Chapter 4

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Jay's POV

As the others joint us while we waited for Heeseung hyung they started talking amongst themselves. I was just scrolling trough my phone not wanting to take part in their conversations.
I really hope this isn't gonna take long because the three of us are starting to get thirsty. And while me and Jake are pretty good at handeling our thirst I can't say the same for Ni-ki. He has always found it hard to control himself even from a very young age.

As I was talking about Ni-Ki I looked up and noticed he was not talking with the others. And neither was Sunoo. Where were they?

I turned around and saw them a little ahead of us talking. Well actually Ni-Ki had the poor boy pinned against the tree. The boy was shaking. Normally I wouldn't have cared if Ni-Ki was playing around with a boy or girl. At first I only thought that he was gonna kiss the boy. But the longer I looked at them the more I started to notice what was going on.
Ni-Ki's face wasn't leaning in on Sunoo's face. No no no he was leaning towards his neck.

I had to do something or Ni-Ki would expose our secret. So I ran up to them and I could hear Sunoo's voice stuttering with everything he said.

" N..N..Ni-Ki w...what are you t..talking about." Sunoo started shaking even more.

So before Ni-Ki could do something stupid I pulled him of Sunoo and started walking away.

"You are I so much trouble." I said in an angry but hushed tone to Ni-Ki

And luckily Heeseung Hyung walked out of the school so we could leave immediately.

"Come one guys we have to leave or else we will be late." I said in with an annoyed voice as I pulled an scared Ni-Ki with me.

Jake and Heeseung were confused for a second but the moment they saw me and Ni-Ki they nodded and said goodbye to the others.

As we were far enough away from them they started asking me what's wrong.

"Well, this boy over here was about to bite Sunoo and drink his blood. Out there in the open where everyone and everything could watch ."

"Ni-Ki really? I thought you were getting better at this." Jake said not believing it.

" Yeah, I was. B...b..but he smelled so sweet. Like I have never smelled something like this before. And I was so thirsty that I wasn't thinking straight." Ni-Ki said explaining him self.

"I know it's hard for you Ni-Ki but seeing that they are our friends now you really need to start controlling it better." Jake said.

" Yeah, we don't want our secret to be exposed now do we?" Heeseung hyung said as he put an hand around Ni-Ki's shoulder comforting him.

"Yeah, I know hyung and i'm very sorry. I'll try better next time." He said while he hung his head low.

" It's okay, you have learned your lesson. Now lets go and find us something to drink because I know we all are very thirsty." The oldest said as they started walking again.

Sunoo's POV

As the three of us started walking home. The two of them kept asking questions about what happened back there with me and Ni-Ki.

"Guys can you stop asking questions it's really annoying." I said being totally done with the two of them.

"We will if you just tell us what happened out there with the two of you." Jungwon said.

"Well like I told you guys already it was nothing."

"Well if it was nothing you wouldn't be so defensive right now." Sunghoon hyung said while he ate a cookie.

" Yah, don't speak with a full mouth." The youngest scoled him. "But hyung is right if it wasn't something you'd ignore us, but seeing the fact that you don't that means it was something."

" You know sometimes I wonder why I befriended you guys."

" We love you too Sunoo/Hyung." They both teased me.

" Well fine, Ni-Ki was being his annoying self and when I told him to go away he pinned me against the tree but before something else could happen Jay Hyung pulled him away and they left. You happy now." I said annoyed.

"Omo." Jungwon said.

"What? Ouch!" I said as I tried to steal a cookie from Sunghoon Hyung but he slapped my hand away.

"I think Ni-Ki has a crush on you." Hyung said with an full mouth again.

"Yahh, you're the oldest here hyung but you keep acting like the youngest." Jungwon said angry at Sunghoon.

" Wait what did you say? Ni-Ki having a crush on me?! Hahaha very funy. He just likes annoying me."

"No hyung I'm serious. When the two of you went to your tutoring. Ni-Ki said it was sad that you didn't come with us."

" I still don't believe you." I said as I finally grabbed a cookie from Hyung when he wasn't looking.

" Hey! That's mine." He yelled.

" Sharing is caring Hyung." I said back as we finally reached my house.

"Well, see you guys at school again tomorrow?"

"Yes, Bye Sunoo/Hyung." They answered as they left of to their own houses.

As I walked in to my house I greeted my parents and went in to my room and layed down on my bed trying to process what real happened with Ni-Ki today.

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