Chapter 41

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Sunghoon's POV

"So well, that's my story. An ugly one." I said as I pulled away from Jake.

"Wow Sunghon-ah t-that's a terrible story. What did you tell your parents?" Heeseung hyung asked me.

"A-at first I didn't tell them. I was scared they wouldn't believe me you know. Cuz they liked Hyungdon. So whenever it happened I'd just cover it up. Until he stayed over at mine house one day. My parents had a dinner with friends so they told Hyungdon he could stay over. It started great. We had dinner, played some video games. I thought that he finally changed. But I was wrong.

Because we didn't have a spare bedroom he stayed at my room. I took a shower and went straight to bed after that. I though that maybe if I was asleep after he took a shower he'd leave me alone. But he didn't. He came out of the shower while just wearing a towel. He walked towards the bed and pinned me down again. He started touching me and tried to kiss me but I resisted. I begged and begged him not to do it again. When he touched me he always was a bit aggresive. So I always ended up with a lot of bruises and cuts. They never healed properly.

I guess I cried so hard that we didn't hear my parents comming home again. Because before he could do anything else he was thrown away from me. My mom came up to me and hugged me while my dad held him down and called the police.

Then I had to tell them it happened before. They were so devestated to hear that I was too scared to tell them. I stopped skating after that and went to see a therapist."

They all looked at me with a pitying look.

"Don't worry I'm okay now. I had my family and friends with me, so I'm fine." I reassured them.

"That's great. Just know that if that guy ever shows up again. you just have to call us and we'll make sure no one will ever find his body." Heeseung hyung said.

"Yes. We'll make sure that what ever Jake hyung did to him today wil barely look like a scratch." Ni-ki joined in.

"Thanks guys I really appreciate it. But let's be done with the sad shit and talk about something fun or at least something happy." I said as I finally took a sip of my drink.

"I think I can do that." Sunoo said as he handed me a small giftbag. I looked at him with a confused face

"This is a small gift from Won and me. We saw it and we immediately thought of you." I smiled at them and opened the bag and it showed me a small box. One that usually containes a bracelet.

I opened it and it showed me a bracelet with a cute penguin charm attached to it.

"It's very cute thanks guys." I thanked them and put the bracelet on. Well technically Jake helped me putting it on.

"And the best thing is. We have matching ones." Jungwon said excited as they showed me their matching cat and fox charms.

"Yah where is my cute gift." Jake said pouting at the other three guys.

"I bought you a shirt you can see that as my gift." Heeseung answered with a serious face. Jake frowned and we all started laughing.

After that we hade some small talk and chatted about random things. We walked around and took some funny pictured here and there and before we knew it, it was already time to go back to the bus.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the camping side

"Okay everyone listen up. It's 6 o'clock right now. We'll have a barbeque at the campfire at half past 6. So use your time well and make sure to be on time." Mrs.Kim said after everyone got off from the bus.

"Let's just drop off our stuff in the cabin and get dressed up warm." Jungwon suggested. We all agreed and headded to our cabin.

"I'm just gonna take a quick shower. I feel like I still smell like blood." Jake said as he headded towards our shared bedroom.

Everyone went to do their own things while I just settled on the small couch and started thinking.

If it wasn't for Jake I'd probably fell into the tricks of Hyungdon again. Like I did every single time. I feel so helpless. Jungwon can do taekwondo and Sunoo knows hapkido. The others also look like they pack a big punch. And here I am helpless little Sunghoon who can't fight for himself.

"What's got you distracted?" I shook away my toughts and looked up to Jay.

Was I so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice him sitting down next to me?

"Just thinking." I replied.

"I know we haven't really talked, but I won't judge whatever you have to say." He said with a small smile.

Weird. His smile kind of reminds me of someone.

"Well, after what happened today I realised that I'm actually very helpless. Like Sunoo and Jungwon know how to defend themselve. And you guys look like you pack a punch and I'm out here being helpless. if it weren't for Jake I'd probably fell into the tricks of Hyungdon again." I told him my concerns. He nodded and thought for a little bit. probably figuring out what to say.

"Okay, I get your concerns but there's nothing wrong with needing the help of someone else. Especially not if they're your friends. And by the looks of it they'd love to help you no matter what. But if you really want to learn how to fight why don't you take some lessons? Everyone should be able to protect themselves."

"You're right, I'm so stupid. Why haven't I thought of that before. You're really good ad giving advice. Thanks" I said while shaking my head.

"No problem. I'm happy to help." He said.

"It's just. Nah It's stupid." He signaled me to keep going

"I never thought you'd be so great at giving advice. I know it's stupid, but you weren't so talkative before. So yeah I didn't expect you to-"

"To sit down and help you?" He finished my sentence.

"Yeahhh." I admitted as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Don't worry I'm kind of surprised to by myself. It's just that I have a hard time opening up to people. And I noticed that you have that too. So I thought if you can share a big part of your life like that. After we have know each other for just a few weeks. Then why can't I start opening up too." Jay admitted.

"That's good of you. Honestly at first I thought you were like a grumpy guy. But now that you've told me this, I kind of understand you."

"Wow did you just call me grumpy?" He asked offended.

"Yes, yes I just did." I said and we both ended up laughing.

"Woah, I the grumpy Jay hyung laughing?" Ni-ki said as he joined our conversation. The others followed and soon we were all in the small livingroom.

"Yah you brat!" Jay glared at the boy.

"Oops looks like I gotta run. Bye." He said and ran of. Jay following close by.

"Well, let's go and eat." Sunoo said. And we all left the cabin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N

Heyy, new chapter again . Fast right? yeah I didn't expect it either.
But take it as my birthday present for you guys. Cuz this girl just turned 19🥳
Did we just get Jay opening up to Sunghoon???

I know it's a lot of Jakehoon right now but don't worry we'll get into Sunki soon too. This is just important for the back story of Sunghoon. So yeah that's why.

And I have a question fo you guys. I have a great idea for an other enhypen fanfic. Don't worry I won't stop this one. It's just an idea that came up in my head and I thought that I'd be a great story.

So let me know if you guys want to know what it is about.

Anyways. See you guys next chapter

xxx Authornim.

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