Chapter 42

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No one's POV

"Woah it looks nice out here." Sunoo said while looking around.

The boys reached the campfire place where everyone else was gathered too.

"Yes and it smells nice too." Sunghoon answered.

Some of the teachers were busy making sure the fire was kept alive and some other teachers were barbecuing.

"Ah my favourite students."

"Hi mr.Byun." All the boys replied.

"Did you guys have fun today?"

"Yes we did, we did lots of shopping." Jungwon replied with a big smile.

"That's great. Now go and enjoy dinner. And don't say I said this, but after dinner we have smores and marshmallows." Mr.Byun said before he walked off.

"Oohh I love smores."

"Ofcourse you do Sun." Both Sunghoon and Jungwon said at the same time.

"What are we waiting for let's get some meat." Ni-ki said as he ran over to get into the line for the barbecue.

The older boys all laughed at him and slowly followed after him.

"Hello boys what would you like?" Mr.Choi asked as the boys reached the front of the line.

"A hamburger for me please."

"Me too."

"Me three." The three boys said.

"Okay here you go." He said as he handed them their food.

"And for the four of you?"

"Steak is fine."Heeseung said as the others agreed.

"Rare, medium or well done?"


"Okay, just give me a minute and they'll be done."

"Why would you guys eat it rare? It's very bloody then. Ugh I get the chills thnking about it." Sunghoon said with an disguisted face.

"The more you eat it the better it gets." JAke said.

"Here you go boys. If you wan't anything else like bread or sauces you can find them at the table over there next to Have a nice dinner."

"Thank you Mr.Choi." The boys thanked him and went to sit over next to the campfire.

"Can't believe we're going home tomorrow already."

"Me neither to my idea we've just been here for today." Ni-ki said agreeing.

"Don't you need to eat anything else hoon? You've only had one hamburger." Jake asked the said boy.

"Nah I'm fine, I wasn't very hungry anyways. But if you guys want anything else you can get it."

Sunghoon's POV

After I finished I felt my phone buzzing signaling I got a message. So I put down my plate and looked over at my phone only to see I got a message from Wooyoung hyung.

Wooyoung Hyung                                                                                                                                                                    Sunghoon ah, I heard from Yeosang that  you're                                                                                                       leaving tomorrow. We just wanted to give you                                                                                                          something before you leave. Any possibility that                                                                                                   we can meet up befor that?

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