Chapter 16

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Just so you guys know bold letters mean it's someone's thoughts.

Jungwon's POV

It felt so akward sitting next to Jay Hyung. We aren't talking. I'm just staring at the chair in front of me because i'm tired. I haven't slept a lot last night because I had nightmares again. Then I looked to my side to see Jay Hyung staring outside while listening to some music. And when I looked at my otherside I saw that Heeseung Hyung was already deep asleep. Ni-Ki and Sunoo hyung were playing some games on their phones. And Jake hyung and Sunghoon hyung were watching an movie together.

"Maybe I'll try to get some sleep to." I whispered to my self as I tried to make myself comfortable in the chair and closed my eyes. As I could feel my self become sleepy.

Jay's POV

I sat down on the chair next to the window. Because Heeseung hyung wouldn't let me sit next to him. Probably because he wanted Jungwon to sit next to him instead of me. He's been way to whipped for that boy ever since we came here. What about me? I thought I ment something special to him back then but guess not.

While I was in my thoughts I could feel a presence next to me. As I look who it was I could see that it was Jungwon. He looked so shy and unsure it almost made him cute. Then I saw Heeseung hyung smirk as he said.

"Jungwon-ah just go sit next to jay I'm sure he won't mind." Oh I swear I could wipe that ugly smirk of his face if I had the chance.

"Whatever." I said as I put on my hood and earphones. I was to lazy argue with them.

Sunoo's POV
After Ni-ki dragged me onto the bus we sat down somewhere in the back of the bus.

"Yahh, why did you drag me?" I yelled as I was a little out of breath.

"Because I wanted a good spot duhh."  The younger replied sassyly.

I rolled my eyes at him "little kid."

As the others got on the bus I saw Jake hyung and Sunghoon hyung sitting a next to us, Heeseung hyung a few rows infront of us and surprisingly Jay hyung and Jungwon next to him.

I definitely didn't expect Jungwon and Jay to sit next to each other. I mean Jungwon would but Jay hyung looks kinda intimidating. Especially towards Wonnie.

"What are you staring at shortie?" I heard this annoying kid ask me.

"What did you just call me?!"

"Shortie because you're short. Now answer my question." He replied

"Yah brat, I'm still older than you you should show me some respect." I said as I hit his shoulder.

" I doubt that your older than me." The boy muttered to himself but I still heard him perfectly. I was about to ask him what he meant but I decided to just drop it.
"I'm staring at Jungwon and Jay Hyung because they're sitting next to each other."

"Well that sounds boring let's play games on out phones." He replied as he grabbed his phone.
I shook my head and decided to join him.

Jay's POV

After a while I got curious what Jungwon was doing or if he even sat down next to me.
When I turned around I saw the boy asleep next to me.
His head was against the chair infront of him resting uncomfortably. I grabbed his head softly and put it against his headrest hoping it be more comfortable. But unfortunately his head fel to the side resting even more uncomfortable.

At first I was like; Well I tried. And decided to just listen to my music and stare out of the window.

But I couldn't help but look back at the boy next to me. Thinking about how I could help him. I was hesitant about doing it but after thinking about it twice I decided to do it.

I grabbed his head gently and laid it on my shoulder.
I then felt him snuggling further into my shoulder trying to get more comfortable. I then proceeded to stare outside again.While slightly blushing and trying not to smile at this boy next to me.

Heeseung's POV
I was lying when I told Jungwon I was car sick. Because I can't get sick. And it's not like I didn't want him to sit next to me. Quite the opposite I would have loved it if Won sat next to me.

But I noticed how different Jay's personality was towards Jungwon. Like he didn't want anything to do with the boy. But I also saw something different in his eyes I just couldn't quite see what. I should ask Jake about that.

So that's the whole reason I made Jungwon sit next to Jay. And looking to my right proved my point.

Jungwon was asleep in an uncomfortable position and Jay was helping the said boy into an more comfortable position by putting his head on his shoulder.

It was cute. It almost made me take a picture of them. Especially the moment Jungwon snuggled more into Jay's shoulder.

Jake's POV
As I was staring out the window I could feel that Sunghoon was arguing with himself if he should ask me something. So I decided to help a him a bit.

"Is there something you want to ask me Hoon?" I asked while I turned to face him.

"I-I uhhh I was wondering if you'd maybe like to watch a movie w-with me? I downloaded them on Netflix to watch with Sun or Won but yeah." He said while blushing.

He is so cute

"Yeah of course I'd like to." I replied smiling. As he smiled to.

" I hope you like twilight because I downloaded the first one." He asked me as he grabbed his phone and earphones.

What a coincidence

"Yeah of course I like twilight who doesn't."

"Yeah right twilight is the bomb." He said with a big smile.

Does that mean he likes vampire's

"Something tells me this isn't the first time you'll watch this movie." I asked him

"That's right me, Won and Sun have watched it at least 10 times. We even had marathons." He then handed me the earphones and we started watching the movie.

"Hoon I can barely see anything." I said because the phone screen was to small.

He then moved the phone a little to me. "How about now?"

"Yeah it's better but now you can't see it that well."

"It's okay like I said I watched it so many times I can basically guess what they're gonna-"

Before he could finish his sentence I pulled him closer to me (as close as possible) and put his head on my shoulder.
"See now we can both see it perfectly."

When I looked down at him I could see him blushing again.

He is so adorable he makes me feel things I haven't felt since......

Hey guys a new chapter. What do you guys think about it?
I know the movie choice was basic butttt after A while I thought it would fit in.

If you ever have any ideas for this story don't hesitate to tell I'd like to know what you guys would want.

For now bye and see you next chapter 🙋🏼‍♀️

Xoxo Authornim

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