Chapter 36

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(These haircolors are not the haircolors jn my book)

Sunghoon's POV (Yes still in the flashback)

"So Sunghoon, Can I ask you a question?" Jongho asked me and I nodded.

"Why are you out here? all alone?"

"Well, technically I'm not alone. I'm with my friends. We were supposed to have scavenger hunt, but our teacher didn't think anyone would chose it, so he didn't prepare anything. But one of my best friends wanted to walk around in the forest so that's what we did. But I got a little bit distracted by that old building and went to take look around and yeah you know what happened after that." I said while looking at the ground. Being mad at my self for walking off.

"Don't be mad at yourself okay. Things happen." Yeosang said while patting my back.

"Yeah, we all did some stupid things so don't worry. After we've clean you up and told you everything we'll make sure you get home back safely." I smiled at that.

We talked and walked around for a bit, till we reached what I guess is their house.

"Welcome to our home." Yeosang said as we walked inside.

"Yeosang? Jongho? Where have you guys b- Who's that?" An other male walked in.

"Ah Hyung this is Sunghoon. Sunghoon this is our friend Seonghwa hyung. We saved him from a few rogue vampires. And seeing that he's kind of shaken up and confused I suggested we'd take him home and explain everything and then take him back to his friends." Yeosang explained to the other male.

"Well Sunghoon it's nice meeting you." He put out his hand for me to shake it. When I looked at him I thought two things. 1. He's very handsome. And 2. He looks kind of familliar. Shaking of my thoughts I shook his hand. "Nice meeting you too."

"Well Yeosang, Jongho, how about the two of you freshen up and I'll gather the others and after that we can all talk?" The two agreed and walked in to the hallway.

"I'm sure you're still kind of overwhelmed, but I promise you no one's going to hurt you okay. So come one I'll take you to the others." Seonghwa said as he put his arm around my shoulder and then we walked to the livingroom.

When we reached the livingroom there were already people inside. 5 to be exact.

"Hey hyu- Who's that?" The one with red hair asked.

"Oh well this is Sunghoon. Jongho and Yeosang saved him from a few rogue vampires and brought him here."

"He's kinda cute though." The one with brown and blonde hair said.

"Yah Wooyoung don't go flirting around." The one with black hair and red streaks said with a pout."

"I'd never do that if it wasn't you." He replied as he kissed his cheek.

"This is just them being them selves so don't be surprised." Seonghwa said.

"The one with blonde and brown hair is Wooyoung and the one with black hair and red streaks is San, his boyfriend."

"The gigant one with red hair is Mingi and the one next to him is Yunho, also boyfriends." He said pointing to two other males on the couch.

"Yah aren't you forgetting someone?" A voice from the kitchen said. Then a smaller male with blonde hair came walking into the livingroom.

"Ofcourse not Joong. How could I forget my own boyfriend. Sunghoon this is my boyfriend Hongjoong." Seongwha said while hugging the smaller male.

I smiled at all of them. How much I wished to have my own boyfriend.

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