Chapter 2

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No ones POV

"Aahh finally, time for food." Sunoo said as he sat down in the canteen.

"Hyung you always think it's time for food." Jungwon said.

"Because it is. food is always welcome."

"Believe me or not, but I agree with Sunoo on this one." The oldest said as he took a bite from his sandwich.

"Wow! did I end up in another universe? Did the Park Sunghoon and Kim Sunoo just agree on something?!" The youngest said not believing it.

"Yah! We can agree on something."

"Yes, we have agreed on something before." Sunoo said.

"You sure? On what then." Jungwon said not believing Sunoo.
"On the fact that you are annoying."Sunghoon said as Sunoo highfived him.

"You guys are mean."The youngest said pouting.

"Can we sit here?" A voice suddenly said.

Sunoo's POV

As the three of us looked up we saw it were jake, Heeseung,Jay, and that annoying boy Ni-ki. Yeah I figured his name out. Well, actually I asked jungwon what his name was but that doesn't matter.

"Yeah sure, otherwise I wouldn't have invited you."Sunghoon said as he made space fore jake to sit down. Heeseung sat down next to Jungwon and next to him sat Jay. Which left only one space free for Ni-ki to sit at. And that was next to me. witch led him to smirk at me.

"Guess we meet again cutie." He said as he sat down.

"Say that one more time and i'll personally smack that smirk of your face." I whispered to him.

"I'm sorry about not telling you guys that I invited them to sit with us." Sunghoon said apoligizing.

"Noo, Don't worry Huyng we don't mind. I have to show them around anyways so better befriend them right." Jungwon said.

"well you might not mind but I definetly do with this guy next to me." I whispered to my self.

"What did you say Sunoo?" Sunghoon hyung asked.

"Ahh no nothing." I quickly stuffed my face with food so I wouldn't accidently say someting again.

We talked a lot during lunch. well they did I was actually just eating and listening. Maybe also a little bit observing these new guys.

Because to me they kind a looked a little bit off.

For example  1: They are white. Look I know I'm not tan either but these boys are almost as white as a dead body.

2: it's like what 30 degrees outside and everyone is wearing their summer clothes. While these guys are out here wearing sweaters.

and 3: I don't know they are just a little bit off.

" Do you guys have a free period today? Jungwon asked them.

"Uh yeah if i'm right we have one after lunch." Jake huyng said.

"Great how about I show you guys around then? We could also do it after school bu-"

"NO, I-i I mean we can't we have something to do after school." Heeseung hyung said panicked.

" We do?" Ni-ki asked confused.

"yes, we don don't you remember?" Jay hyung said with an angry face.

"Ooh y-yea I remember now." Said Ni-ki.

"Well I actually don't have a free period after lunch I have to help Mr. Choi, but if I tell the teacher i have to show the new students around i'm sure Mr. Choi wouldn't mind. I have good grades anyway." Jungwon said as he threw his trash away.

Then the bell rang telling everyone that lunch was over. The rest of us threw away our trash. Me and Sunghoon hyung started walking the other way when Heeseung hyung  spoke up.

" You guys aren't comming with us?"

"Well unlike you guys. We sadly do have a class right now." I said.

"I thought everyone had a free period? "Jake said.

"Well you're right. But these two are failing a class so they need tutoring and they have to go right now otherwise they will be late." Jungwon said shooing them to go to their class.

"yeah yeah we will go now bye guys." Sunghoon hyung said as he dragged me to our class.

Jungwon's POV

"Well that's sad that the cutie won't join us." I heard Ni-ki say. I smirked to my self because he was definetly talking about Sunoo hyung.

"What you smirking at?" I got startled as Jay Hyung was suddenly standing next to me. With surprisingly his serious face again.

In these last few ours we have gotten pretty close with Heeseung Hyung, Jake Hyung and Ni-Ki. But not Jay Hyung. He seems so different next to the others.

I know Heeseung Hyung said he's actually a nice guy. But to me he looks kinda mysterious.

" Ahh nothing Hyung, just thinking something." I said finally answering his question. He then shrugged his shoulders and started walking off.

" Hey Hey! Wait I gotta show you guys around!" I yelled at him. While a ran to him.

"Well than you better hurry, cuz this shit is boring as fuck." He said back looking at me with a bored face.

"Well let's start then, because we have a long way to go." I started walking with the other 4 following me.

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