Chapter 6

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Jungwon's POV

After I left the cafeteria I went to look for Sunoo Hyung. I know that Sunghoon Hyung only ment good, but maybe he went a little bit to far. I'm worried to about Sunoo Hyung because I haven't been able to keep his face from yesterday out of my head.

While me and Sunghoon were talking to Heeseung Hyung and Jake Hyung yesterday. I looked around for Sunoo Hyung and Ni-Ki because they weren't next to us anymore. And when I finally spotted them I saw them a little bit further away talking by a tree, I guess it was talking. I must say that to me it looked like Sunoo Hyung was maybe a little uncomfortable but I ignored it and maybe I shouldn't have.

As I was walking around the school I thought about where he could be. He's probably somewhere quiet. After getting so many looks from everyone. After looking around for a while I finally figured out where he could be.

The rooftop, I always has been the place where we would go if we wanted some alone time. And the moment I opened the door I knew I was right.

I saw him sitting. Against the wall just staring.

"Mind if I join?" I asked him as I stood next to him. As he nodded I sat down next to him.

And we sat in silence for a while. I really had to think about what I was gonna say. Seeing that I didn't wanna upset him more. But after a while I finally had the courage to.

" I Know it already has been asked you a few times, but this time I need you to answer me honestly. Okay Hyung?" I asked him as I turned around to face him.

He nodded as he also turned to face me.

" Are you really okay Hyung? Me and Sunghoon Hyung are just really worried about you you know. Has it something to do with Yesterday O-or w-with you health again because I-if that's the case you really need to tell us because we really do not wanna lo-" before I could end my sentence Hyung pulled me into a hug as he probably saw the tears starting to form in my eyes as I thought back.

~~ Flash back
No ones POV

From the day Sunoo was born he had some health problems, during his moms pregnancy his heart did not fully form. What would lead to either dying at a young age or A heart transplant. The first few years of Sunoo's live everything was going fine. He had to take some medicine for his heart and some monthly check ups but that was it. He had his two best friends to take care of him. He lived his first 15 years of life surprisingly without any problems, but when he turned 16 everything started going downhill. His heart started to function less and less. He had more check-ups at the hospital to look at his situation. And even had a few cardiac arrests. So yeah his situation became worse. Even so bad that he had to stay at the hospital 24 hours a day. The doctors told his parents that if he did not get a hearts transplant any time soon he would not reach his 17th birthday. So they put him on a list. But sadly it was a very long list and the chance of getting a transplant on time was very small. His family and his bestfriends were really worried for him. He was the sunshine in their lives and he might not be here for anytime longer.

His situation became so bad that he was barely able to do anything. he couldn't even sit up by himself. Even breathing was getting very hard for him, because his heart wasn't pumping enough blood through his lungs. Everyone started to get more and more worried for the boy. His best friends even stayed by his side 24/7 they didn't dare to leave his sight, being sacred it might be the last time.

The 3 bestfriends were sitting in Sunoo's hospital room, Sunoo was sitting on his bed with both Jungwon and Sunghoon being at both his sides as they were watching Sunoo's favorite movie. They were happily chatting, knowing that at the end of this week Sunoo would finally get his heart transplant and all of this would finally be over.

As they were watching Sunghoon and Jungwon started to hear an rapid peeping sound from the machine and as they both looked at Sunoo they saw the poor boy seizing on the hospital bed.

" Hyung, Hyung! Hyung wake up!" Jungwon started to shake the older boy but Sunoo did not move an inch.

"Hyung what do we do?" He asked as he looked at Sunghoon but the other boy already run to the door to call the doctors.

As he came back a few doctors walked in and told the 2 boys they had to leave. Both boys were crying at this point as they looked at their best friend lying almost lifeless on the bed with the doctors standing around him.

As the 2 boys saw Sunoo being send to the OR Sunoo's parents showed up and looked at the two crying boys and they took hem into their arms.

" B-Boys what happened" Mrs.Kim said as she hugged the crying boys.

"W-We were just watching H-His favorite movie a-and we talked about how happy we were t-that he w-would be getting his transplant this f-Friday. A-and then w-we suddenly heard the machine beeping rapidly a-and w-we called the doctors and t-then they told us to leave the room and they took him away." The oldest of the two boys said through his tears.

"U-Uncle?" Jungwon asked as he looked up at Mr.Kim

"yes Won?"

"I-Is H-Hyung gonna be o-okay?" The boy asked.

" I-I don't know. I really don't know. But our sunshine is a strong boy. I'm sure he will be okay. I hope so." Mr.Kim said while looking at his wife.

" H-he can't die. Not yet. We promised that we would be bestfriends for the rest of our lives." Jungwon said as he was now hugging Sunghoon.

The four of them waited for hours after a while both Jungwons as wel as Sunghoons parents showed up. The 8 of them now waiting for news about their sunshine.

Finally after 8 hours a doctor walked up to them.

"Are you the family of Kim Sunoo?" The doctor asked them

"Yes, Yes we are, we are his parents." Both Mr and Mrs Kim stood up.

" Well, as you might have guessed, Sunoo's situation today was bad. So there was noting we could do-"

" Hyung has died?!" Jungwon started crying hysterically. As the doctor looked at him with an sad face.


So guys a new chapter for you, as you can see I've been quit busy with making chapters, but tell me how do you guys like it so far??

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