Chapter 31

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Jake's POV

"Thank god you are okay hyung." Sunoo said as he ran up to Hoon and gave him a big hug.

"Where have you been? You had all of us worried." And ofcourse Jungwon joined in too. After the hug they let go of Hoon to let him talk.

"Me? I-I was in the forest." He answered.

"How? I looked for you everywhere. I even yelled your name, but I couldn't find you anywhere." I told him. Because like I said I looked everywhere. But there was no sign of him.

"O-oh well, I was lost too honestly. I saw a................a rabbit. Yeah I saw a rabbit and it was so cute, so I had to follow it and then I got lost." As he explained I could hear his heartbeat spiking. Which means he's probably lying. I looked at the other 3 and I knew they're thinking the same.

"You didn't happen to walk into someone did you?" Hyung asked.

"N-No I didn't. I walked into some animals though, but no people." His heartbeat was again spiking up.

What could've happened for Sunghoon to lie to us, about what happened?

"Now if you guys don't mind I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Goodnight." He stood up and walked into our shared room.

"I'm not the only one who thought that was weird right?" Ni-Ki asked as he was eating a bag of chips.

"When did you get those?" Jay asked.

"When Sunghoon walked in and you guys were all over him." He shrugged.

"It's Sunghoon hyung for you." Sunoo said as he rolled his eyes.

"No actually it's Ni-Ki hyung for you."

"What do you mean you're two years younger then me, you idiot."

"Never thought I'd say this bur Ni-ki is right." Jay said.

"We're vampires remember. Ni-ki is 196 years old."

"WHAT?!" The two humans reacted.

"Keep it calm will you? Hoon is going to bed and neither does he know our secret. Remember." I whisper yelled at them.

"Sorry. But if Ni-ki is 196 years how old are you guys then?" Jungwon asked

"Well me and Jake are 199 and Heeseung hyung is turning 200 soon."

"Woah really? We should throw a big party then. Well the 7 of us." Sunoo said exitedly.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired too. So goodnight." I joined the conversation and went to my shared room with Hoon.

As I reached our room at the back of the cabin I didn't think about knocking on the door before I opened it and when I looked inside I saw Sunghoon changing. He was wearing black shorts and at this moment no shirt. I could see his bare back and the big amount of scars that were scattered on his back.

Sunghoon turned around as he heard the door being opened.

"O-Oh Jake, Hi." He said as he tried to find a shirt to cover himself.

"O my god, I-I'm sorry I should've knocked." I said as I quickly turned around.

"No, No don't worry. It's not your fault. A-and you can turn around now." He said as he had finally put a shirt on.

So I turned around and was met with an upset sunghoon sitting down on his bed in a way to big hoodie for him that gave him sweaterpaws.

"I-I understand if you'd want a different roommate. I can ask Ni-ki if he-."

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