Chapter 35

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(So you know we're still in Sunghoon's flashback)

"W-what the hell? What is that?" I custioned myself as I looked at the glowing pair of eyes.

But then the pair of eyes started to get closer. The closer it got the better I got to see.

It wasn't just a pair of eyes. It was a person. A man to be specific. A-and he was smirking at me.

"Well well, Look at that. A human. Haven't seen one in years." The man said coming closer to me.

"W-what d-do you mean?" I asked as I started to back away from him.

"What I mean is that I'm gonna be so happy to have a taste of you." He then smiled at me showing his sharp fangs.

A-a-a a vampire? No that can't be true. Those things aren't real. They only exist in movies.


"N-no please don't"

"I am so gonna enjyoy this." He came even closer to me trying to grab me.

But lucky for me I got quick reflexes. So I kicked him and ran away.

"You little bitch, Get back here!" I heard the man yell as he came after me.

I had absolutely no idea where to go to. So I ran into the old building hoping there was a place in there were I could hide.

"Why do things like this always happen to me?" I asked myself.

"You better stop running away. Maybe I'll be nice to you then." He said. And by the sound of his voice he was close to me.

"Come on there has to be a place I can hide in here." I found a room and decided to go in there and hide myself.

"You sure you saw him walk in here?" I heard an other male voice.

"Yes I'm sure, I'm not blind you idiot."

"Maybe he already got out?"

I could hear their voices getting closer and my heartbeat speeding up.

"No wait, I can hear his heartbeat. It's spiking up. I'm sure he's close."

Shit! I-I gotta go some where. I slowly opened the door and looked around. I didn't see them anywhere. So I walked out of the room.

"Big mistake there pretty boy." When I turned around there was now not only one but two vampires.

They were both blocking my exits. Shit what now?

They both came running at me. So I did the only thing I could.

I ducked down. Resulting in both of the vampires to run into each other. And gave me a last chance to run away.

"Okay Sunghoon you gotta run fast and be smart. Otherwise you're gonna be vampire food."

"Okay you are in big trouble right now pretty boy. If we catch you it ain't going to be nice."

Great they're following me again. So I ran harder. Luckily I was an athlete so I have a great stamina.

Unlucky for me. I'm also clumsy as hell. So when I looked behind me to see if they were close to me, I fell down.

"Found you." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Great just great." And when I turned around they were already looking down at me.

"You are a fiesty one. Good for you I like that." He then pulled me up and pinned me against a tree.

"After chasing you. I really am going to enjoy this." I struggled against him, but it was no use. I guess vampires are really strong like they say in the movies and books.

"You smell so great. Sweeter then everything I've ever smelled." He said as he sniffed my neck. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to start.

But it never came.

Instead I felt the grip around my arm loosen. And I fell to the ground. So I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the vampires now dead on the ground covered in blood.

When I looked away from them I was met with an other pair of red eyes.

An other one? Great he killed of the other one so he could feed on me. JUst my luck.

"P-p-please don't kill m-me." I pleaded as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Yah, Jongho please step away you're scaring the poor boy." I heard an voice say. That made me look up.

There was now an other man standing infront of me. He also had red eyes and was covered in blood, But the look in his eyes. There was no spark of murder in his eyes. More like a look of giult.

"H-hey, d-don't worry okay. We're not going to kill you." He said as he crouched down infront of me.

"Yeah, why would we kill of those guys trying to kill you. Only to kill you after." The other boy. Whos name is Jongho said.

"Well, you didn't have to say it like that, but yeah Jongho's right. We saved you so you're safe with us okay. We promise."

"W-why would I trust you?" Yeah he was right about the killing part but I couldn't be to safe.

"Well, believe it or not. I was in your place once. " He tried holding my hands.

"If you come with us we'll explain everything to you. You can stay for the night and we'll bring you back in the morning." He continued.

"I-I can't. I'm here with school. If I'm not back in my cabin by tonight they'll be worried."

"Okay, thats true. We'll atleast come with us because you're not safe out here. Not with other vampires lurking outside.

I was having an internal fight with myself. Should I trust them? They're still vampires. They could kill you at any moment.

On the other side they safed me. If they wanted to kill me they would've already. And besides that they looked pretty nice. If you ignored the red eyes, fangs and the fact that they were covered in blood.

If it wasn't for them I would've been dead.

"O-Okay, I'll go with you." I slowly said.

"Great, It's gonna be so much fun. I'm sure the others are gonna like you." The boy said.


"Yeah, Me and Jongho live with our other 6 friends. But don't worry they're really nice too."

"Before I forget what's your name little boy?"

"I-I'm Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon." I answered.

"Well Sunghoon it's nice to meet you I'm Kang Yeosang and this is my boyfriend Choi Jongho." Yeosang said with an big smile.


Yes yes you read that right. Ateez are joining this book. Well if you read the hashtags you would've already known but here they finally are.

Luckyy for sunghoon they saved him in time.

See y'all next chapter xx Author

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