Chapter 27

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Jay's POV

The moment we heard Jungwons scream we started running to it.

"JUNGWON?! where are you?" Heeseung hyung started yelling when we came to a halt. "which way did it come from?" He asked me.

"I-I don't know it came from everywhere." I said while frantically looking around. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the said boy. But instead I caught something else.

"Hyung? D-do you smell that?" I asked him as my eyes slowly started to turn red because of the smell of fresh blood.

"You don't think it-"

"There is only one way to find out." I answered him.

We both started running towards the scent. The closer we got the stronger the smell got.

"It stops around here. But there is nothing here." He said while looking around the place. It wasn't a big open place. It was next to a small river that probably ends in the big lake Sunoo was talking about.

"Well he has to be here. We followed the scent to this place. And it isn't a scent you get mixed up very easily. So let's take a good look around here. Because we have to find him."

We both split up and looked around.

"JAY!!" I heard Heeseung Hyung scream my name so I immediately speeded towards him.

And there he sat with Jungwon limp in his arms, covered in blood. I ran over to them and sat down on my knees next to them.

"W-wha-what happened?" I said inspecting them.

"I-I was looking around like you told me to and then I saw something laying on the stones in the lake and when I looked closer it- it was won. The water probably got rid of the scent." He explained while trembling.

"What bastard did this to him?!" I got angry and stood up ready to murder the person who did this.

"Not now Jay calm down! We have to help Won first before he dies!" Hyung yelled at me.

"Y-You're right. W-what should we do? Is he even breathing?"

"Yes. Well I can still hear his heartbeat so I think he is. It's very faint but it's still there so we have to hurry. Check his neck will you?"


"Just do as I say and tell me what you see."

I nodded and slowly turned his head so I could see his neck. And there they are 2 very prominent bite marks on his neck still bleeding rapidly. The scent and me being so close to it made my eyes change colors again.

He smells so great

Without me noticing I slowly leaned in to his neck getting ready to take a sip of that sweet blood.

"Jay!" Heeseung hyung snapped me out off my trance.

"Keep focused will you?! He's dying here!" Heeseung hyung looked mad.

"Y-yeah you're right sorry. There are 2 very prominent bite marks still bleeding. So the bastard that bit him didn't clean up." I said trying to focus on Heeseung hyung.

"Okay, think Heeseung think." He started talking to himself.

"Hyung hurry!, I can barely hear his heartbeat." I started panicking.

"Yess I know. Just let me think."

"I know! Jay you still with me?" He asked me while looking at me. I haven't had a hard time at controlling my thirst like this before. So I just shook the tought of Jungwons blood out of my head.

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