Chapter 30

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Back to current time

No one's POV

"So yeah, that's our story and how we ended up here." Heeseung said finally looking up after telling the story.

"W-woah t-that so sad." Sunoo said. tears now streaming down his cheeks.

"Hey Sun, why're you crying. There is no need for that. We're fine" Ni-Ki said wiping the boys tears away.

"I-I know, but it's so sad the way you all lost your parents because some stupid vampires." Sunoo answered. And they all agreed on that.

"C-Can I ask you a question Jay hyung?" Jungwon asked in a tiny voice. And jay nodded his head.

"H-have you ever met your brother again? I know it's kind of inappropriate for me to ask that queastion but-" Jay cut the boy of.

"No. I haven't met him again, which probably means he's dead to." He said with a straight face.

"He doesn't mean it like that. It's just that he was very close to his brother and after he lost him he kind of lost half of himself to. That's why he is so cold and closed off sometimes." Jake explained.

"But what do we do right now?" Jungwon asked again.

"Yeah, Hoon hyung is still missing and I don't want to find him dead."

"Well, then we'll go out again and go look for him." Heeseung said. and the two boys immeadiately stood up.

"Let's go."

"No no no, You two ain't going anywhere." Ni-Ki said.

"Why not he's our bestfriend, we should help you guys find him." Sunoo said and Jungwon agreed.

"You." Heeseung said pointing at Jungwon. "Almost died if it wasn't for me and Jay who found you. A vampire bit you and you were barely breathing so you're definetly ain't going anywhere. And you." He said pointing at Sunoo. "Aren't safe out there if there are still vampires outside. And i'm not going full panic mode again trying to figure out where you are. So you are also staying here."


"No buts. Am I clear?"

"Yes Hyung."

"But there Is one thing we need to agree on." Jungwon said.

"And what might that be?" Jake asked out of curiosity.

"We can't tell this to Sunghoon hyung. If you guys find him." He answered.

"Why not? Doesn't he deserve to know the truth too?" Jake asked again. But now because he was confused.

"I don't think he'll be able to handle that. He's been trough a lot recently and I think if you guys tell him this t-that he might go back." he explained.

"What do you mean with go back?"

"Something has happend to Hyung for him to go into some mindset and I'm scared that when you'll tell him this it'll happen again. So please can we keep this between the six of us?" The boy pleaded.

The other six looked at each other and agreed.

"Okay now that we have discussed all of this let's go and find Sunghoon." Heeseung said.

"But it's dinner time already. And the teachers will be mad if you aren't there for dinner." Sunoo said.

"But we have to find hoon before the others do." Jake said.

"I know I know, I'm scared that the only other option is to go look for him after dinner." The oldest explained.

"After?! We can't wait that long. What if he's already dead by then?" Jake started to worry.

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