Chapter 13

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No one's POV

As the boys reached the café they all went inside and sat down in a booth far away from everyone else in the café.

"Okay I'm gonna order drinks what do you all want?" Heeseung asked the other boys.

"I want a Caramel macchiato." Ni-Ki answered his Hyung.

"A green tea for me please Hyung." Jake said.

" An Espresso for me." Jay said.

" Can I have an Iced americano please." Sunghoon asked politely.

" I want a hot chocolate." Sunoo said.

" Yes me too please." Jungwon agreed with Sunoo.

" Okay great I'll be right back then." Heeseung said as he walked of to the counter.

"You 2 ordered an hot chocolate? You guys are really kids." Jake said with a small laugh.

"We just don't like the bitter taste of coffee. Like Jay Hyung how can you drink it without any milk or sugar?" Jungwon said.

"He just likes his coffee as dark as his soul." Ni-Ki jokes which earned him a smack on the back of the head from Jay.

"If you think normal Espresso without any sugar or milk is bad you should thr my tutors coffee. He drinks a Venti-sized iced americano with no water and 4 extra  shots. So 8 total. I tried it once seeing I like iced americano's but it really made me feel like I just lost my soul." Sunghoon said as he shivered by the thought of it.

"No wonder he's always that loud and hyper active when I see him around in school." Jungwon said.

Then they saw Heeseung walking back to them with their drinks. He was kind of struggling with all of their drinks. But instead of helping him the others were just laughing at him.

After some struggling and almost dropping some drinks Heeseung managed to reach their table without any of the drinks being spilled. And the boys quickly grabbed their drinks and thanked their Hyung.

"Yeah wel thanks for helping me." Heeseung answered them sarcastically as he finally sat down.

The 7 of then drank their drinks in silence no one knowing where to start.

"Soo, I guess you guys wanna know what Sunghoon Hyung and Jungwonie were talking about earlier during P.E." Sunoo said. Finally breaking the silence.

"Only if you want to tell us Okay? Don't feel pressured to tell us if you're not ready to talk about it." Jake said.

"No it's okay i'll tell you guys. You're my friends and I trust you." Sunoo said smiling a bit.

"My mom had a hard pregnancy with me. She was pretty much sick all the time. The doctors had warned her for this and that it might have been better for her to abort me, but my mom really wanted to get through with this pregnancy. And then I was born 6 weeks early so my heart didn't fully develop. And that would either lead to getting a heart transplant or me dying at a young age. So I started to have monthly check-ups to see how my heart was doing. And the first 15 years were without any major problems.

But when I turned 16 my life turned up side down. My condition started to become worse even that bad that I had to stay at the hospital 24/7 seeing that I could barely do anything by myself.

One day me Sunghoon Hyung and Jungwon were watching my favorite movie. Seeing that I'd get my transplant that friday. We were having fun with making some jokes about the movie.. And then suddenly the machine started beeping rapidly when they looked back me they saw my body laying lifeless on the hospital bed. Hyung then quickly got some nurses and a doctor.

They took me in to the OR. They had to give me my heart transplant right there and then because otherwise i wouldn't make it. So they did. There was a 40% against 60% cance of me waking up seeing that I went in to the OR in such a bad state.

After that I was in some kind of coma. It took me four weeks. Four weeks to wake up from my coma. After that I stayed for a few more weeks to see if everything was working well.

So now I have to take medicines for the rest of my life. 2 in the mornings, 2 during lunch, and 3 in the evening.

And ofcourse I still have my monthly check-ups. Yesterday I had to run for 10 minutes on a threadmill and after that he noticed than I was out of breath for a long time so he gave me an inhealer to use for moments like that. And I wanted to grab my inhealer after running seeing that I was having a hard time breething but Mr.Kwon didn't let me. And yeah you guys saw what happened after that." Sunoo said finishing his story.

The four boys were in shock because of Sunoo's story. How could such a happy boy live such an hard life.

"Woah, T-that's-" Jake said not being able to finish his sentence.

"A hard life? Yeah I know. You're probably wondering how can he be so happy while having such an hard life. We'll I see this as a second chance of living and I'm not gonna waste it. So I'm gonna live my life to the fullest." The boy said with an big smile on his face.

"You're really strong Sunoo not many people would be able to be this happy after they have gone through some thing this traumatising."Heeseung said.

"We're really proud of you Hyung." Jungwon said as he hugged Sunoo.

"Hey don't forget me!" Sunghoon yelled as he pouted because he was not included in their hug.

"You guys really like hugging each other don't you?" Jay asked them.

"Yes, hugging has been our thing from when we were todlers." Jungwon answered him.

"We have been bestfriends for 15 years and still counting." Sunghoon said proudly.

After that they all finished their drinks and decided to walk home together.

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