Chapter 55

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Jungwon's POV

I felt bad that I wasn't able to help any of my friends. I feel like I have been failing them a lot lately. I do get why Hyung acted the way he did. Sunoo hyung's health hasn't been the best so letting Ni-Ki drink his blood on multiple occasions hasn't been the best choice. He already had a close encounter with dead once. So I get why Hyung was so overprotective, but I'm also very curious to why he let him. I care a lot about my friends and I hate seeing them argue like this. They mean the most to me. They have been like a real family. And no one like's seeing their family hurt each other.

"You okay in there?"  Jay Hyung said as he put his hand on my shoulder which startled me. That led to him quickly removing his hand.

"Yeah, just thinking about my friends." I shrugged my shoulders. I turned around to look for Sunoo Hyung but he and Ni-ik already left the room.

"Don't worry to much okay, I'm sure they're gonna be fine. Jake is lookingfor Sunghoon and then he's going to talk to him. Jake is very good at playing at people's emotions. " But Sunghoon Hyung can be very stubborn when he wants to." I smiled a little thinking about it.

"Don't worry your pretty head about it. Let's go to bed and then we'll see it in the morning."  Heeseung Hyung suggested and my boy responded with a yawn.

"How about you two head up stairs and I'll clean the mess up. I'll follow you guys after. " I looked at Jay Hyung and he looked like he was about to say something to Hyung, but he closed his mouth and nodded. " Let's go Jungwon-ah."

I have a hard time reading Jay Hyung. One moment he acts super nice and sweet to me and an other he's so closed off. So I'm super confused. I really thought we were getting somewhere, but maybe I'm wrong.

We arrived to the second floor and as I was about to head to Heeseung Hyungs room my arm was grabbed. " This way." Was the only thing he said as he walked to what I assumed was his room.

His room was somehow exactly what I expected. The room was very neath and chic. The walls were a dark blue. The kind of blue that if you didn't look close enough it almost looked black. There were a few pictures. One of the pictures was with his brother and parents when they were younger. And the other one was with the other guys. One side of the room had a dresser with a tv on top. And the other side had shelves with different kind of books and a guitar. And of course an other king size bed.

It was so quiet it started to become awkward. So I decided to break te ice. " So~ Nice room you have. I really Ike the blue color."

" Thanks, most people say it's black but it isn't. So I'm very surprised you noticed." He said with a small smile. As he sat down on his bed while I was still standing.

" You play the guitar?" I pointed at the guitar.

" Just a little. My dad taught me when I was younger~". He trailed off.

"I'm sorry."

" No. Don't be. You didn't know."

After that it got quiet again. I started to overthink again so I finally spoke what was on my mind.
" Hyung? Do you like me?" I turned around to look at his reaction.

" W-what I-No- How- I." His eyes widened and his fae turned red as he started to sputter.

" Hyung if you don't like me you can just say so you know.You don't have to act." I said softly s I turned around to face the wall again. I could feel tears threatening to come out. I would rather he be honest with me than him acting like he likes me while he actually doesn't. That our friends are friends doesn't mean we have to if he doesn't want to.

" Won. That's- you know- A-and hy-Hyung he-". He stood up and grabbed my arm to make me turn around.

"You don't have to lie to me. I would rather you be honest with me. Than lie and hurt-" And within a second his lips were on mine. My eyes widened as I was confused to what was happening.

We were just talking and. It all didn't make sense. Didn't he like Heeseung Hyung?

He was kissing me so softly his hands holding my face that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. So I kissed him back as I closed my eyes. I've never felt like this before.

Have I mentioned that this is my first kiss. I was so lost in the kiss that I didn't hear the door open.
"Well this is an great sight so walk into." We immediately pulled away from each other. Heeseung Hyung was standing in the door opening with his arms crossed.

" H-Hyung." Was the only thing I could say.

" When I told you two to head upstairs I didn't mean go upstairs and make out. I'm disappointed in you Jay-ah."

I knew it. They liked each other and were probably dating. And Jay Hyung just kissed me. " Hyung Ivan explain." I said as I walked up to him. I ddn't want to be the reason they broke up. I already had 2 friends fighting I didn't need more.

" No Won you don't have to explain anything. You didn't know." He put both hands on my shoulders as he assured me. I felt tears threatening to come out.


" Ssstt, be quiet. He told you okay. Yo didn't know."

" Well technically he asked me." Jay Hyung spoke up from behind me which made Hyung freeze.

" What do you mean."

" Well he asked me if I liked him." He walked closer to us.

" Y-yeah b-but." I tried

" So you had a feeling." Hyung asked me again.

"W-what?" Okay this was really starting t confuse me now. I just asked Hyung if he liked me or not because sometimes it looked like he was staring holes in the back of my neck as he was glaring at me while a moment later he would be so nice and sweet to me.

" The feeling that both of us like you." He explained.

"B-but you two like each other. I heard your conversation back at the cabin." Jay walked so he could stand next to Heeseung Hyung.

" Ahhh." They both said.

" Let's just sit down first okay." I sat down against the headboard as the two of them sat down in the middle of the bed. I looked at them expecting some explanation.

" I'll rip off the bandaid. Jungwon Jay and I like you. Yes we like each other too. We have since we were little but we figured it out like a few weeks ago when you over heard our conversation. But I think you missed the part were we also told each other we have a crush on you. I was more open about it than Jay was." He paused to look over at Jay who was starting to blush at being exposed like this. " So that's why I've been trying to get you and Jay to spend more time together. But I did't expect him to kiss you when I sent you two upstairs."

" Well it wasn't necessarily my plan either, but he looked like he was about to cry and it was the first thing to pop up in my head." He scratched the back of his neck.

" T-this is a lot. I've never had some one tell me they like me let alone have two people. But I think I like you two too. I'm just still kind of confused." I explained my reasons.

"Don't worry we totally understand." Heeseung Hyung grabbed my hand. " How about we go on a date first. Just the three of us. Then we can get to know each other better on a deeper level and we'll go on from that? How does that sound?"

" I-I like that." I looked down as redness spread around my cheeks.

" And you?" He asked Jay Hyung as he grabbed his hand too.

" M-me too."

"Well then it's settled. this weekend we'll go on a date." He leaned over to kiss both of our cheeks.

" Now let's go to bed. That way the weekend will be sooner."

Both me and Jay Hyung laughed at Hyungs eagerness.

~~~~~~~~~~ A/N
Finally some cute HeeJayWon moments.
Are you looking forward to their date?

Hope you enjoyed and see y'all next chapter

Xxx Authornim

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