Chapter 46

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Jake's POV

Ofcourse I saw the empty chair next to Sunghoon, but I knew he probably didn't wanna talk to me so I was hoping that there was an other empty chair, but to my luck there wasn't any so I had to sit next to him. And before I even had to chance to say something he put in his earphones and stared out the window.

I'm really sorry Sunghoon we should've told you from the start. You're the first person I got close to after what happened to my parents. I hope you'll forgive me

I haven't felt like this in ages. And I'll do anything to make it up to you. I know we've only know each other for a little while, but I can't lose you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at school

After we arrived back at school we decided to stay at Jungwon's for a little seeing that he was home alone anywas and we had to have a little chat about what happened, seeing that we didn't have a proper talk yet.

"Do we have everything?" Heeseung hyung asked.

"Yeah I think so, but what about Sunghoon?" I asked them.

"Yeah hyungs right, what if he tells someone our secret?" Ni-ki replied.

"You okay Ni-ki? You look even more pale then you normally do?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, m fine. Just a little tired." He replied.

I could feel something is off, I just can't figure out what.

"Don't worry, hyung isn't reckless. So he won't tell anyone. Even if we hurt him big time he'd never sell you guys out." Jungwon defended sunghoon.

"Okey let's go then."

I looked around to see Sunghoon going his own way home with all his luggage.

"Hyung you comming??" I looked back to see Ni-ki waiting for me.

"Oh yeah comming." I looked around one more time, but Sunghoon was nowhere to be found.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Jungwon's home     No one's POV

"Okay here we are." Jungwon said as they finally reached his home after a 15 minute walk.

"This is your house?" I asked in awe. Because this is more like a mansion.

"Yup, my parents own a company." Is the only thing he replied before he opened the door and walked inside. Jake looked at the others a little confused. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Don't ask. Just go inside." Sunoo said. And they all followed him inside.

"I'm hungry anyone else want something?" Jungwon asked the boys after they all sat down.

"Yeah sure." Sunoo said an the others agreed.

"Want me to help you?" Heeseung suggested.

"No thanks, I'll just make some sandwiches." After that he walked into the kitchen leaving the other 5 boys alone in the livingroom.

"Okay we said we needed to have a talk so let's have a talk." Jay said.

"Let's begin with this. Who was that other vampire we saw last night talking with Sunghoon hyung?" Sunoo asked the vampires.

"Honestly I have no idea at all. I thought most if not all "good" vampires died during the fight. So at first I thought he was going to hurt Sunghoon, but seeing the way he reacted and how Sunghoon defended him I guess he's a good one." Heeseung explained.

"But how did Sunghoon know what he was? And why did he protect him?" Jay asked,

"Maybe he already knew him?" Ni-ki suggested.

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