Chapter 29

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Just so you guys know, we're still in the flashback from last chapter.

Jake's POV

I ran and I ran, as far as my feet would take my while the tears were dripping down my cheeks. I felt like a coward. I shouldn't have listened to my mom, I should've manned up an fought for my family.

After running for what felt like hours I finally came to a stop. It was an abandoned house. I went inside and hid myself, incase one of them followed me.

I grabbed the necklace from my mom out of my pocket and put it around my neck and hid it underneath my shirt. Then I grabbed my phone with shaking hand and called one of my aunties.

"Come on, pick up please."

"Jake? Hey how are you?" Heeseungs mom Mrs.Lee answered the phone.

"..........." I couldn't answer. The thought of it was already to much.

"Jakey? You there boy? Are you okay?" She asked me.

"A-auntie." I said with an shaking voice.

"Yes Honey. What's wrong, where are your parents?" That made me cry out loud.

"T-There g-gone a-auntie." I answered while hiccuping.

"W-what do you mean gone?" She started to worry.

"I-I came home from school. A little bit later then usual because I had to help around. A-and when I came home I saw mom and dad on the ground covered in blood. My dad had already died, but my mom was still alive. S-she told me to run because there was someone upstairs looking for me. So I-I ran. And auntie I don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared."

"W-wow T-that's a lot. But don't worry okay. Where are you now?" She asked me in a calm voice.

"Somewhere in an abandoned house."

"Okay, can you get yourself to the airport?"

"Y-yes I think I can."

"Well, get to the airport we'll get you an ticket to korea and pick you up there okay?"

"B-but how, I-I don't have my passport or anything." I started panicking.

"Don't worry we'll fix that. Just get there."

"O-okay I will." I said standing up getting ready to leave.

"We'll send the ticket to you once we have it. Be safe okay Jakey. We love you." She said.

"I-I will. Love you too."

Several Hours later in Korea

No one's POV

"What are we doing here mom?" Ni-ki asked his mother while they're waiting at the airport.

"Yes I'd like to know that too." Jay said while looking up from his phone.

"You'll see soon enough okay, don't be impatient." Jay's mom scolded both of them.

"He should be here soon, seeing that his plane has landed." Ni-ki's mom said.

"Who?" Heeseung joined in questioning.

"There he is Jakey baby here." Heeseungs mom yelled, which catched the boys's attention.

"Jake? What is Jake hyung doing here and where are auntie and uncle?" Ni-ki asked.

The said boy noticed them and immediately ran into the arms of Heeseungs mother. He then started crying again.

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