Chapter 39

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Jake's POV

"What do you mean? Did he do something bad to you?" I asked him as I pulled him into my arms.

I could feel him shaking. And the look on his face told me this wasn't a good person.

"Ahh look who we have here. My Favorite student." The man said with a smirk as he came closer to us.

I could hear Sunghoon's heartbeat getting more irregular and his breathing becoming more unstable.

"I don't know who the fuck you are but you better get away from us." I glared at him as I could feel my blood boilling.

"Why would I? I'm sure Sunghoonie missed me. I sure missed him." He came closer and crouched to our level.

"Dude I am telling you get the fuck away from him or you'll regret it. Don't you see he doesn't want you near." Sunghoon tried to het him self even closer to me. Hiding his face into my chest and making himself as small as possible.

"Is that true Hoonie? Don't you miss our time? I sure mis it." He put his hand on Sunghoon's back stroking it.

"I do really mis you though. Especially.....................................................................

"The sounds you make when we were having our fun time."

Okay I tried to keep it cool, but this motherfucker touched Hoonie without his consent?! I'm so gonna muder him.

I stood up and went infront of Sunghoon. "Okay you dickhead you better listen to me carefully because I'm only gonna say this once. You better stay the fuck away from Sunghoon because if you don't this isn't going to end well for you. Am I clear?" I could feel my fangs growing and my red eyes trying to come out. But I clenched my fist, because I don't want to expose myself.

"Well tell me then, why should I listen to a mere boy like you? As far as I know that little slut always enjoyed it." He asked me with the biggest smirk on his face.

I looked around and saw that there were no other people around.

Welp I tried

Before he could even say another word I hit his face. And I hit it hard. His body hit the floor and I immediately got on top of him and started to hit him again.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO CALL HIM THAT YOU BASTARD. YOU FUCKING RAPED HIM WITHOUT HIS CONSENT." I could feel my eyes going red. It was the only thing I could see. The blood was starting to pour from his nose.

"HOW DARE YOU. YOU SICK FUCKER?!" I had forgotten how nice it feels to let all the anger out. I fas so focussed on this man that I didn't notice Hoonie coming closer to me.

"Jake? Jakey please stop. You-you're scaring me." He said as he craddled my face.

Only then did I notice how bad this was looking. The guy beneath me was barely breathing and my hands were covered in blood. I closed my eyes and focused making my red eyes and fangs dissapear. And when I looked into Sunghoon's eyes I could feel the fear comming from them. Not because of the man, but because of me.

"H-hoon? I-I'm so sorry you had to see that. I-I was just so mad for what that man said about you. You must be scared of me and hate me right now. I said as I sat down and hid my face into my hands.

"No Jake don't say that. I mean yeah you scared me for a bit, but other than that I'm grateful for you. If I were to be alone I'm sure he wou- he would've used me again. So thank you Jake. Thank you for saving me." He said as he hugged me. the force of his hug made me fall over. And now the two of us were laying down on the ice. Sunghoon being all snuggled up on my chest.

"Maybe we should get cleaned up and go meet the others?" I asked him.

"Could we just stay like this for a little longer?" He said with a cute voice.

"Ofcourse we can, but honestly I feel like my behind is gonna freeze off." That made the both of us laugh.

"Don't be a baby. I layed down so many times on the ice and I still have my behind. Bt yeah maybe we should get you cleaned up. But what about.." He said pointing to the other man.

"Well I made myself clear so I'm pretty sure he won't bother you anymore. Speaking about that you don't have to right now, but you know you can talk to me you know that right?"

"Yeah I know. And I'll probably have to tell Sun and Won that I saw him again. So I'll tell you when we get home. Well when we get to the cabin." He replied

"I'd really appreciate that. Now let's go and wash all that blood of my hands and call the others to meet up for some food."


"Why is blood so hard to get off?" Sunghoon said as he tried to clean of my shirt that also got some blood on it.

"Blood just stains. And don't worry I can just get a new one. Let's call the others and ask if they can buy me the most simplest and cheapest t-shirt." I said as I grabbed my phone and called Heeseung hyung.

On the phone

"Hey Jake how are you guys? You done yet?" Heeseung hyung asked.

"Yeah, we are. I just have a small favor to ask."

"Sure go ahead. "

"Uhh well, you see. We got into a little bit of trouble. And I was wondering if you guys could buy me a new T-shirt?"

"The hell did you guys do that you need a new T-shirt?! Wait I don't think I wanna know."

"NO!, No it's not what you think it is. Just buy me a new one and we'll meet you guys in like 10 minutes. " I said as I hung up.

"Why did you scream no? And what did you mean with it's not what you think?"

"Nothing just Heeseung hyung and his dirty mind. Just give me my shirt. They were going to buy me a new one anyways so you don't have to keep trying to clean it." He nodded and gave me my shirt back.

"Let's get our jackets and go meet them up."

"Sounds like a great plan. I don't wanna be here any longer."

I grabbed his hand and then we left.


Sorry guys it took me so long to update, but here is a new chapter and I hope you guys like it.

And maybe a little late but I wish you guys a healthy and happy 2023

And see you next chapter :)

xxx Author

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