Chapter 38

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Jungwon's POV

"Kay where do we wanna head next?" Heeseung hyung asked.

I looked around for any stores till one of them caught my attention.

"How about we go there?" I asked pointing at a small jewlery store.

"Sure let's go." Sunoo hyung grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the store.

The other three shrugged and walked after us.


"Jungwon-ah come look at this." Hyung called me over as he pointed at a cute Penguin charm. "It reminds me of Sunghoon hyung." He said.

"Yeah and that one looks like you." I pointed at a fox charm.

"We should totally get those as a symbol for our friendship, but we also need one for you."

"Yeah but which one?"

"How about that one?" A voice behind me said.

I turned around and was met with Jay's head very close to mine.

"O-oh u-uh I U-h W-which one did you mean?" I turned around after I asked him because I'm pretty sure I'm blushing right now.

"That one over there, that looks like a cat." He said into my ear while pointing at it. "It looks like you." After that he walked of to Ni-ki and Heeseung like nothing happened .

How could he just walk of like nothing happened while I'm here lookinglike a tomato.

"Yah Won what was that?!" Sunoo hyung smirked at me.

"W-what do you mean? T-that was nothing." I replied brushing him off.

"Yeah, I'd say that too if I were you." He said teasing me.

"Shut up you dipshit." I gave him a small push.

"But for real, he's right though. That cat looks like you. Let's get those three." Sunoo hyung said as he went to get a worker so we could buy those charms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the ice rink Sunghoon's POV

"So how long have you been skating?" Jake asked me as we were putting on our skates.

"Well, I started in 2010 so about 10 years I think."

"Woahh, really? you must be really good then. Like Sunoo said?" He said while he was struggling putting on his left skate. So I decided to help him out.

"I wouldn't say that, It's been 2 years since I last skated. And done ready to go?" I stood up as I finished putting on his skate.

"Yes, but I must warn you. I think I've only skated once before in my life. So be prepared to watch me fall the whole time." He replied as we walked to the rink.

"I'm sure you aren't that bad. Trust me you schould've seen Jungwon, he was like a small kitten. He kept falling again and again. It was cute honestly." I said while stepping on to the ice.

It felt really nice being on the ice again. It's like meeting an old friend. I skated around a bit before I noticed that Jake wasn't on the ice yet.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I feel like I'm gonna fall the moment I get on the ice." He said with a pout. It made him look like a puppy who doesn't have anyone to play with.

I stretched out my hand to him. "I could help you around. Just hold my hand and I'll make sure you won't fall." I smiled at him.

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