Chapter 57

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Heeseung's POV

I could feel something was off. I had the same feeling back in the woods. I can't really explain it. I just know it.

"Hyung, Heeseung Hyung wait up where are you going?!" I could hear Jay running up behind me. But I didn't answer him. I had to find Jungwon I couldn't let hm get hurt again.

And that's when I smelled it. I immediately stoppen running which led to Jay running into me. "Wha- Ouch."

"J-Jungwon I can smell him." I told Jay as I was frantically looking around for the said boy. The fact that I could smell him this well, while I don't even know where he is scares me. That means he's bleeding.

" Shit where is it coming from?"  He asked me as he too started to smell it. It wasn't very strong. So that meant he wasn't dying, but that doesn't make it any better.

I took a deep breath and tried to focus. Panicking isn't going to help us find him. I closed my eyes and focussed on the scent.
" There." I opened my eyes and pointed in the way where the scent was coming from. It was a closet. We quickly walked over to it and tried to open it. But ofcourse it was locked. " Jungwon? Jungwonnie you in there?" But we got no response.

"He has to be in there I can hear a faint heartbeat." Jay pointed out. But why? Why would he be in there? "The door is locked from the outside. That means someone locked him in"

" This doesn't make any sense. I'm kicking this door in."  I concluded as I took a few steps back ready to kick in the door.

"WAIT!" Both me and Jay looked to where the voice came from. It was a woman running towards us. Only when she was close enough did I notice it was our waitress. "D-don't kick the d-door in." She said as she finally reached us. Totally out of breath. "Man I'm not running in heels ever again." When she got her breath back she immediately started explaining that after we left she decided to look at the camera footage. The footage showed Jungwon on his way to the bathroom only to be stopped by two guys. She decided to not go into much detail about what they did to him but it made my blood boil. And looking to my side I could see Jay fighting himself to go find these guys.

" So before you kick in the door and end up hurting him moe how about we just use the key." She grabbed the key from her pocket and showed it to us.

We both nodded and she unlocked the door for us. " Be careful okay, just take care of him and let those two assholes to me. I'll make sure they won't see any daylight again. Freaking homofobes."

" Thank you. F-for helping us. How can we ever thank you?" Jay asked her before she could leave.

" Just take care of him and love him. We talked for a little while before you guys came. And he really is a nice and cute guy he deserves it."
We both frowned at that.

"Hey don't worry about me stealing your boy, I have a girlfriend waiting for me at home." That was the last thing she said. She gave us a wink and left.

We heard some groaning and then immediately went inside the closet to find a beaten up Jungwon unconscious. He has a busted lip. A black eye and an probably more bruises on his body by the way he is groaning in pain. Me and Jay slowly went closer to him.

I softly brushed the locks from his face. " Jungwon? Jungwonnie it's me and Jay." 

" You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you anymore." Jay softly said as he grabbed his hand.

We sat with him for a while until he started to twitch which was a sign he ws starting to wake up.
"H-Hyung?" He said. His voice was hoarse, probably because he was crying and screaming earlier.

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