Chapter 11

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Sunghoon's POV

As I was enjoying my dream I started to feel suspicious about the amount of sleep I got. So I opened my eyes to see it was already 7:30 which meant I slept through my alarm andonly had 30 minutes left before school started. I opened my phone to see 5 missed calls from Jungwon and 10 messages from Sunoo asking where I was.

I quickly texted our group chat to tell them that I slept through my alarm. I took an quick shower and with quick I really meant quick it didn't even take me 10 minutes. While it normally takes me 30 minutes. I put on some clothes and I brushed my teeth. I packed my bag and quickly left for school. Seeing thath my parents and my sister already left for school and work.

As I reached school I saw that I only had 2 minutes left so I ran to my first class which was home room. The moment I opened the door all eyes were on me.

"Ahh Sunghoon how nice of you to join us too today. ga take your seat." Mrs.Kim said. I nodded and sat down on my seat next to Jake. I was so out of breath that I was still panting as I leyed my head on the table.

"Hoon, what happened to you? why are you so late. I thought you always walked together with Jungwon and sunoo." Jake asked me concerned as he patted my back.

"I S..slept through a.a.alarm and woke up late." I said through my pantings.

"Well you're lucky Mrs.Kim didn't start her lesson yet." he said to me.

After that the both of us started listening to what Mrs.Kim had to tell us.

"Okay everyone. Seeing the fact that this is still the first week of this school year. We decided that we're going camping for a few days. You know to get to know each other better." She said as everybody started cheering. Happy that they could go on a camping trip and not go to school.

"These are the folders of the place we will be staying. It's a small camping side in Daegu next to the forest. We will be staying there for three nights and we will leave next wednesday. so if you guys want to go tell your parents to fill out these forms and bring them back to me tomorrow." Mrs.Kim said as she handed out the folders and the form.

~~~~ At lunch

"It looks pretty nice there." Jungwon said.

"Yeah it does and we can even choose one activity we want to do." Sunoo said.

"well I'm definetly going." I said. "Every chance I get to go to school a day less I'll take."

"I'm going to." Sunoo said as the both of us high fived.

"Well guess I'm comming too then. Not for that reason though. Someone has to watch the both of you."Jungwon said.

"How about you guys."I asked the other four who have been quiet.

"Uhh I dont know guys. I-I mean we still have a lot to do at our house." Heeseung said.

"B-But Hyung I really really wanna go too." Ni-Ki said.

"Yeah please hyung can we go." Jake said agreeing with Ni-Ki both of them nog begging Heeseung Hyung.

"Not to be rude or anything. But why ask Heeseung Hyung if you can just ask your parents?"I asked as I was confused why they didn't just asked their parents.

The four of them looked at each other. Wondering if they should tell them or not.

Heeseung's POV

The moment Sunghoon asked that we were fucked. We couldn't really tell them about our parents. So I looked at the three of them. They nodded at me. so the only thing I could do was come up with a lie.

"Well, they aren't here in Seoul with us." I said.

"Owh where are they then?" Jungwon asked probably being very curious

"T-they a-are d-d-dead." There I said it.

"Owh I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." Jungwon said apogetically.

"No, No don't worry it's okay."I said reassured him.

"W-what happened?" Sunoo asked with an tiny voice.

"W--wel." Great now I really had to come up with an lie. And honestly i'm pretty bad at lying.

"They went on a vacation together all of our parents while we stayed at Heerseung Hyungs house. And the day they were supposed to fly back to Korea. The bell went and we tought it were our parents but when we opened the door it was the Police and they told us our parents died in a plane crash." Jay answered for me. And honestly I was shocked how he came up with an lie so easily.

"And after that we spoke to some people and we got Heeseung Hyung to get custody of us seeing that he was the only adult back then. And asfter a while we decided to move to Seoul."jay finished the story.

"Oh H-how terrible that must have been." Sunghoon said.

"Y-yeah it has been but we're okay now." I answered him.

After that a awkward silence fell since no one knew what to do or say. So we all ate our lunch in silence.

No one's POV

After the seven boys had lunch they al went to their seperate classes and continued their day.

The last class all the boys had together was P.E so the 7 of tem would meet again in the lockerroom before P.E. Well at least they thought so. As Heeseung, Ni-Ki, Jay and jake entered the lockerroom. They saw Jungwon and Sunoo already changing but there was no sighn of Sunghoon anywhere.

Jake's POV

"Hey guys." I said as we walked up to Jungwon and Sunoo.

"Hey" They both replied. And we al started to change into our P.E outfits.

At first i thought that Sunghoon was maybe a little late or maybe on the toilet, but when the others started to walk into the Gym I was confused.

"Uhm quick question. Where's Sunghoon?" I asked Sunoo.

"He is changing in an other lockerroom." Sunoo replied.

"Ohw why?" I asked as I was very curious.

"He isn't comfortable with changing infront of others." Sunoo said as we sat down.

I nodded as I noticed he didn't want to explain why and i wasn't gonna ask any further because it wasn't really my place to ask it. And after that Sunghoon walked out of an other door into the gym. And sat on the ground next to Jungwon.

" Okay everybody today we will be doing a lot. At first we will do a warm up which consists of running for 10 minutes. Then we will be playing dodge ball and as last a small game of soccer for the people who are up for it." Our P.E teacher Mr.Kwon said.

Which lead to everybody groaning already by the thought of it. Because they all knew they were gonna be so dead by the end of P.E.

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