Chapter 49

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Jake's POV

After I checked up on Ni-ki and Sunoo and made sure they were both doing fine, I walked back to the livingroom to give the others an update.

"Is he still alive?? Do I need to murder him?!"

"Did he hurt him? Do I need to grab my wooden stake?"

Before I could even properly sit down both Sunghoon and Jungwon asked me all kinds of questions.

"First off. NO he's not dead he's sleeping, but he's very much alive. And second why do you have a wooden stake??" I said while looking at Jungwon, who had a very scary looking smile on his face.

"For safety ofcourse, why else?" He casually answered as he leaned back in his chair with a smirk on his face.

"He looks kinda scary." Hyung admitted as he moved further away from Jungwon and closer to Jay.

"Seriously? You're the big bad vampire and you're scared of him?" Sunghoon deadpanned.

"He has a wooden stake. And we're not like in the movies but still. It could kill." Jungwon started laughing at our scared faces.

"C'mon Won stop scaring them, they look like they could start crying any second now. It sin't an actual wooden stake. It a wooden basebal bat."

After thay Jungwon shrugged and we all laughed.

"Okay okay, you hyad your fun. Now quit laughing at me." Hyung pouted.

"Ahwgg Hyungie, don't worry Jeongseongie will save you from the big bad Jungwon." Jay said in a cute mocking voice. That made all of us burst out laughing.

I don't think I've ever heard him speak like that.

"You little sh-."

"Jeongseong?" Sunghoon cut in.

"Yup that's me, my real name." Jay told him. "and Jake's real name is Jaeyun. We have english names because we both lived abroad." Sunghoon nodded and after that I could see him thinking.

But somehow I still wasn't able to read his mind.

What's happening with my powers? Why won't they work on Sunghoon?

Sunghoon's POV

Jeongseong. Jeongseong? Where have I heard that name before? I started to think and then I remembered.

I grabbed my phone and inmediately started texting.

Yeosang Hyung

                                                                                                                              Hyunggg, How are u??

I'm fine. How are you doing? have you
made up already?

                                                                                                                        Yes I did, and I was absolutely badass.                                                                                                           I sat down with a straight face and was like                                                                                                               'you are gonna tell me your story and then I'll                                                                                                                   decide if I'll tell mine. There were some                                                                                                                                tears , but we made up.

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