Chapter 32

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Heeseung's POV

"We should throw a party then, the 7 of us." Sunoo said excitedly. Probably already planning the whole thing in his head.

"What will we tell Sunghoon then? Oh yeah it's Heeseung hyung's 200th birthday let's throw a party?" Jay said sarcastically.

"How about we throw no party at all?""  I suggested.

"No we have to. It's not any day you turn 200." Sunoo whined.

"I don't really like celebrating that I'm old." I said with a pout.

"Don't worry hyung you're still very handsome for a old man." Jungwon said as he hugged me.

Man what is he adorable

"Did you just really call me an old man?!" I said offended

"Yes I did." He said with his biggest smile.

But that smile was quickly wiped of his face the moment I pulled him on my lap and started tickling him.

"Hyung- hhahahaha- stop it- hahaha  it tickles." He said strugling to get out of my grasp.

While I was busy with tickling jungwon I didn't notice a pair of eyes looking at us.

Jay's POV

While hyung was busy with Jungwon I started to feel a little jealous. I wanted to be the person Heeseung was tickling, but also a small part of me wants to be the one tickling Jungwon.

I didn't notice I was that obvious till Ni-ki started to shake my arm.

"Dude I don't even need jake's power to figure out you're jealous." He whispered to me. So that no one else could hear us.

"I-I'm not jealous." I defended myself.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that."

"Can't you go bother Sunoo or something." I was already starting to get annoyed with him.

''Ohh, great idea. Sunoo let's go sleep together!" he yelled at the boy.

"WOAH WHat? I ain't sleeping with you." He yelled back as blush was slowly creeping up his neck.

"Yah!, not like that." Ni-ki said.

He then walked over to Sunoo and grabbed his hand.

"I can see you're tired let's go." The both of them then started to walk to their shared room.

By the time I looked back at Heeseung and Jungwon they were now comfortably hugging while Jungwon was still on hyung's lap.

He then yawned.

"Maybe you should go to bed too Won." heeseung suggested.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Goodnight Hyung's." He said in between an other yawn as he then walked to our shared room.

"Goodnight Won." He said back with sickenly sweet voice.

I rolled my eyes at that.

He told me he loved me a few days ago, and look at him now. All lovey dovey with Jungwon. Maybe he didn't mean it like that.

Even the thought of that hurt. As I was again lost in my own head I didn't notice Heeseung hyung sitting down next to me grabbing my hand.

"Hey you okay? You look lost?" He softly asked me. I didn't respond I just took my hand out of his grip while looking a head of me. So I didn't see the hurtful look flash on Hyung's face.

"Hey Jay-ah, what's wrong?" He asked again. And again I didn't answer him.

Maybe I was exaggerating a bit, but my hobby is overthinking so that's exactly what I was doing. Maybe he just said that he loved me in a friendly brotherly way. And ofcourse I mistook it for a diffirent way. I lowered my head as tears were welling up in my eyes by now.

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