Chapter 17

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Sunoo's POV

After me and Ni-Ki played some games for a while my phone suddenly turned of. 

"well great. We haven't even arrived and my phone is already dead." I sighed as I leaned my head back in the chair and closed my eyes.

I could feel some eyes on me but I decided to ignore them at first, because it was probably Ni-KI wondering what I'm doing. But after 5 minutes I could still feel the eyes boring holes into me. So I decided to open my eyes only to see Ni-Ki staring at my neck.

"Is there something wrong Ni-Ki?" I asked him taking him out of his trance.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." He said stuttering. Which made me confused because he never stutters.

"You really sure? you look nervous."

"Yes I am. Look we arrived!" He exclaimed as he looked out of the window.

"Woahh It's pretty here."

"Okay everybody can I get you attention please!" Mr. Choi asked.

"As you all can see we have arrived at the camping side. When you get out of the bus you will go to Mrs.Kim and tell her the group of people in your cabin and she wil give you the keys to one of the cabins. Right now it's 10 O' clock. You guys will have free time until 12 O'clock. After that you'll have to come to the big cabin on your left. That's the place where we will meet up. Any questions?" Mr. Choi finished. 

after that everyone slowly started to get out of the bus. Me and Ni-KI were one of the laste ones to get off the bus. So when we got off we already saw the others waiting for us.

"Okay now that we are complete. let's get a key so we can go find our cabin." Heeseung Hyung said. Then we started to walk to Mrs.Kim.

"Boys there you are. Here's your key. Because you guys are with seven you'll have the biggest cabin. And because of that it's a little further away. If you follow the left pad you'll find cabin number 3011." Mrs.Kim said as she handed the key to Jungwon.

"Thank you Mrs.Kim" We all said.

"Okay Letchu go!" Jungwon said in a cute way that made jus al giggle including Jay Hyung.

"Yah Ni-Ki!" I whisper yelled. He then turned to look at me signaling for me to continuel.

"Did you see that? Jay Hyung was smiling at Jungwon."

"Yeah I did. I was also very surprised at that. Maybe Hyung starts to like Jungwon Hyung?" Suggested the younger.

"Maybe or maybe not. We will see."


After a 10 minute walk we finally reached cabin 3011. Jungwon opened the cabin and we all walked inside.

"Woah it's so pretty in here." Sunghoon hyung said.

" Yeah I agree. I would have thought this place would look 50 years old but it looks brandnew. " jake Hyung said.

We all took a quick look around the cabin. Mostly looking at the bedrooms.

"Okay so we have 2 times a 2 person bedroom and 1 time a 4 person bedroom. How are we gonna arrange the rooms?" Jungwon asked.

Before any of us could even say a word the loud kid next to me yelled first.

" I wanna room with Sunoo Hyung!!!!"

"Well who says I wanna room with you?" I fired back.

"Well I think It's a great idea. You'll room with Ni-Ki. Sunghoon can room with Jake. And then I'll room with Jay and Wonie in the 4 person room." Heeseung suggested.

And before i could complain everybody agreed.

"Sombody knows where I can find new friends?" I said as I felt betrayed by them.

"Ahw come on Sun. don't be like this." Hoonie hyung said as he hugged me. I then pouted and that made everybody laugh. 

"let's unpack our stuff and then we can look around the camping side for a while?" Jay Hyung suggested.

Me, Hyung and Wonie immediately ran to our rooms to unpack.

Heeseung's POV

"Okay now that they're away. We need a few rules for the time that we're here." I told them .

1. No drinking while the others are awake or around.

2. Don't get to close to other people. we can't risk it.

3. If you can't control yourself get out of the cabin and go take a walk.

4. Do not. I repeat do not let the boys wander of alone in the woods. We know what's inside the woods and they don't. So keep them safe.

"Am I clear?" I asked my younger friends.

"Yes Hyung." They all said. So I ruffled their hairs.

"Let's unpack our stuff too, so we can go outside." We all parted our ways into our own rooms.

Jake's POV

I knocked onto the door of my shared room with Sunghoon before walking in. When I walked inside I saw him standing infront of the two beds, lugguage still in his bags.

"Why haven't you started unpacking yet?" I asked him as I stood next to him.

"Well I didn't know which bed you wanted." He sais as he looked up at me witch his big brown eyes.

Oh those beautiful brown orbs. I could get lost in them all day.

"Jake, Jakey? You alright?" He gently shook me getting me out of my thoughts. 

 Wait?! D-did he just call me Jakey? I think my heart is melting.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"So which bed do you want?" He asked me.

"I don't mind. You can choose bubs." I answerd him. When I finished my sentence I could see the blush creeping up onto his cheeks which made him even more cuter.

"Uh I-I'll choose this one then." He said as he pointed to the bed near the window.

I nodded at him and then the both of us started to unpack our stuff.


It's been a while but here you guys go a new chapter. Let me know what you guys think.

And also how you do you guys like the new cover??

see you next chapter.

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