New book??

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Hey guys like I said. I have this idea for a new book. And I asked if you guys would be interested. And some of you were so here is the prompt for my new story

There is a big forest in Korea called the evergreen forest. Everyone knows about it, and everyone has seen it. It's very beautiful especially in the autumn.
But what no one knows is that there is a small facility hidden away in the forest.
No one knows it exists and no one knows what's happening in there, except for the scientist who work in there. They're currently working on a big project trying to make a huge breakthrough.

Six boys have been missing for the last few years. No one knew what has happened to them. Will someone ever find them? And if they do will they ever figure out what has happened to them all those years?

 Will someone ever find them? And if they do will they ever figure out what has happened to them all those years?

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So let me know what you guys think

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So let me know what you guys think.

And don't worry I won't stop with this story. I just had this idea and I wanted to share it with you guys so.

Yeah that was it for now, but see you soon in a new chapter.

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