Chapter 3

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No ones POV

"And that's it. Any questions ?" Said Jungwon as they entered the canteen and turned around to face the others.

"Nope I don't think so." Heeseung said as he answered for the other 3.

"Well that's great. What do you guys think of the school?" Jungwon asked as he sat down. And the others followed.

" Well it looks good. Definitely better than our last school." Jake answered.

" Yup, our last school sucked. The building was old and the food was terrible." Ni-ki  shuddered as he thought back at their old school.

" That's good to hear, well then I think it's time for me to go to help Mr.Choi and then get to my next class. See you guys around?" Jungwon said as he checked the time on his watch.

" Yes, bye Jungwon." They al answered Jungwon as he walked away to his next class.

" I guess going to school here isn't so bad after all." Ni-ki shrugged. As he leaned against the wall.

" You only say that because of that boy. What was his name again?" Jay said unbothered.

" His name is Sunoo. Kim Sunoo. And yeah maybe I only said that because of him."

" I'm pretty sure you only like school because of him. I've seen you looking at him since the moment we walked in to the classroom." Jake said looking up from his phone.

" Well it isn't like you have been eye fucking Sunghoon Hyung the whole time." Ni-ki fired back.

" Well at least Sunghoon doesn't dislike me.

"Sunoo Hyung may not like me yet but I'm pretty sure he will. Who doesn't fall for the charms of Nishimura Riki." He said while striking a pose.

" Yeah I mean who doesn't like an annoying and loud tree." Jay said with an straight face. Already done with everything and everyone.

"Guys let's stop this and go to class like every normal person. Please." Heeseung said annoyed with their bickering.

After that they all left to their next class.

~~~~ after school~~~~

" Finally, the first day is done!" Sunghoon said happily as he, Sunoo and Jungwon walked to their lockers.

" You really hate school don't you Hyung?" The youngest out of the three of them said as he put his books away.

" I wouldn't call it hate, maybe more like dislike." The oldest said as they walked to the exit of the school.

As the thee of them walked outside they saw the other guys outside waiting for some one.

" Hey guys, who are you waiting for?" Sunoo asked.

" We're waiting for Heeseung Hyung, one of the teachers told him that the principle wanted to speak with him. Probably somethings about us switching schools." Jake answered.

" Mind if we wait with you guys?." Jungwon asked.
As the others shook their head telling them to join them they al started talking amongst themselves.

Sunoo's POV

As I was talking with Jake and Sunghoon Hyung I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. And as I turned around I saw the one and only annoying Ni-ki staring at me from afar with that stupid smirk plastered on his face.

" What do you want?" I said a I walked up to him with an annoyed face.

"You." He said back. As he walked closer to me.

" hahaha, very funny. Now can you please leave me alone. I don't want you." I pushed him away and was about to walk back to the other. But I was pulled back and pushed against the three as Ni-Ki blocked my way.

" And where do you think you're going cutie." He said as he leaned closer to my face.

" I told you I'm not interested so leave me alone." I tried to push him away but he didn't budge a bit.

" Well I am. Very. Very. Interested. In. You." He said as he grabbed my chin with his hands and leaned closer to my face.
Way to close for my liking. I thought he was gonna kiss me so I closed my eyes as I didn't want to see it. So I waited, but nothing came.
As I slowly opened my eyes I saw him leaning very close to my neck.

" You know you smell very sweet baby." He said with an husky voice and I could feel his breath on my neck. But I was to scared to move.

" It's very addicting and it's hard to control myself." Now I could feel his lips slightly touching my neck.

" N..N..Ni-Ki w...what are you t..talking about." I stuttered finally being able to say anything.

But before something else could happen Ni-Ki was pulled away by Jay.

As I finally opened my eyes I saw the others still talking and Heeseung walking up to them. I assumed they were leaving as I saw them waving happily to each other. Except for jay and Ni-Ki. Jay had an angry expression while Ni-Ki looked scared for his life. I wads apparently deep in thoughts as I saw Jungwon waving his hand in front of my face.

"You okay Hyung you look spaced out." He asked worried.

"Yeah, I saw you with Ni-Ki. What was all of that?" Sunghoon Hyung asked.

"I...It's nothing. He was just annoying me again till Jay Hyung pulled him away. Let's go home shall we?" I said as I started to walk away.

I was already suspicious of them, but this, this made me really confused. Me smelling very sweet and it being addicting?

What was he talking about?

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