Chapter 26

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Heeseung's POV

Now it's time to get worried and freak out!

"O-Okay and you're sure have looked everywhere?" I asked the blond boy.

"Yeah I-I did. I looked around the lake, but I didn't want to go too far away." Sunoo responded as tears streamed down his face.

I looked at the other three boys and we all nodded.

"Okay well don't worry. Ni-Ki will take you back to the cabin and then me Jay and Jake will go look for Sunghoon and Jungwon." I softly caressed his hair.

"No." He said in a small voice.

"What do you mean no?" Jake jumped in.

"They're my bestfriends and I should help you find them, who knows what has happened to them. They could've been hurt. I want to help to." Sunoo said as he wiped his tears away.

"Sunoo, I don't think that's the best thing for you now. You're stressed and upset." Jake tried reasoning with him.

"No, like I said I'm going to help you guys find them wether you like it or not."

We all understand Sunoo, we've all been in the same position before. We wanted to help too, but to keep us safe they didn't let us. So I gave Jake a look and he knew exactly what to do.

"H-Hey Sunoo, Sunoo look at me." He said as he put his hands on the boys shoulder trying to make him look at him.

"It's time to go to sleep okay, and when you wake up everything is going to be fine" He said looking deeply in the boys eyes. And on que Sunoo's eyes closed and he fell unconcious in the arms of Ni-Ki who was behind him.

"You really had to do that hyung?" Ni-ki asked jake as he was now holding Sunoo's unconsious body in his arms.

"There was no way we could've convinced him to go with you, so this was the only other option. Now take him back to the cabin and we'll go look for the other two." Jake responded.

Ni-ki pulled an face, but after that he started to walk back to the cabin with Sunoo.

"Okay, now that's done, what are we going to do now." Jay asked me.

"Well, let's split up. You and me will go look for Jungwon and Jake can go look for Sunghoon. and then we'll meet back at the cabin." I suggested.

"Yeah, sure sounds like a plan." Jake and Jay agreed.

"Be careful okay Jake, we don't know if they're still here and how many there are. Don't wanna go looking for you too okay." I told him sternly.

"Yes, call if you need any help."Jay supported me.

"Yeah, yeah I will don't worry, now go find your boy and i'll find mine." Jake said befor speeding off.

"So, where are we going to look?" Jay asked me.

"I think we have to go deeper into the forest. If it's them they wouldn't go ou tin the open." I explained as we started walking.

"You really think they're still here?"

"I don't know. I mean we haven't heard about any mass muders. And seeing the fact that they kill humans for a living. I'm almost a 100% sure they're still here. killing off people who wander around to far into the woods."

"You know this isn't very stress relieving. It makes me more worried for them."

"Sorry." I said apologetically.

"let's just look for him and hope the best." He said holding my hand and giving me a small smile.

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