Chapter 10

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Jungwon's POV

After the four of them left the three of us were just chatting about some stuff.

"How is the tutoring going." I asked my Hyungs.

"Uh okay I guess. I mean my tutor is nice." Sunghoon Hyung replied as he threw his ice cream cup away.

" Who is it? Is he a senior?" I asked him.

"His name is Na Jaemin, and yeah he is our senior. He is also friends with Park Jisung from our home room class." He answered.

" Ahh I have heard about him, he is handsome right?" Sunoo Hyung asked as he put his head on his hands. Staring lovingly.

"Yah, You can't just ask that Hyung" I slapped his head.

" I'm sorry I was just curious about him, because my tutor always talks about him." He said rubbing the sore spot on his head where I just slapped him.

"Who is your tutor then." Sunghoon Hyung asked him.

"Lee Jeno, I feel like they are great friends. Because Jeno Hyung always talks about him. From his smile to his caring personality." Sunoo Hyung replied as he finished his ice cream.

"As far as I know they're dating." I replied.

"What?! Spill the tea?" Sunoo Hyung said as he almost jumped up from his spot.

"Well, one of their other friends Haechan Hyung is also a class president and some times when we had a meeting we went for drinks and then he told me that two of his bestfriends finally started dating after being bestfriends in love for a few years." I told them as we all stood up to leave the place.

"Wel, that explains the loving stares during the tutoring." Sunghoon Hyung replied.

"Do you guys wanna hang out at my house? We could watch a movie." I suggested.

"I'd love to Won but I have my monthly check-up later." Sunoo said. Sadly declining.

I then looked up at Sunghoon Hyung hoping he would join me.

"I really want to join you Won, but my grandma is coming over and my parents really wanna have dinner together."

"No don't worry it's okay we can hang out at an other time." I said kind of disappointed. Seeing that my parents are on a business trip. Again. Which leaves me home alone. And I don't really like being alone.

" No, we're really sorry we know you hate being home alone." Sunoo said as het patted my back.

" No really it's okay I have Maeumi who will keep me company." I said as we reached my home.

"You sure? I could always ask I you could join my dinner, my parents love you like their own. And halmeoni loves you." Sunghoon suggested.

" Yes I'm sure just go okay? And Sunoo Hyung tell us what they said at your appointment okay?"

" Yes, I wil Wonnie." Sunoo Hyung replied.

"Well, see you guys at school tomorrow okay?" I asked as I put my key in the door lock.

" Yes Yes, By Jungwon-ah!" They both said. As they went to walk to their own houses and I walked into my house.

"Maeumi you there?!" I yelled. And a few seconds later the cute puppy walked up to me. And I immediately hugged it.

My parents adopted Maeumi last year as they knew I didn't like being alone when they were away for their jobs. They thought a dog could keep me company. And it did and I really love the dog, but I much rather have my own parents at home like a normal family.

Sunoo's POV

After I reached my home I quickly changed my clothes and ate something because we had to leave for my monthly check-up at the hospital.

"Mom, are you comming? We have to leave otherwise we will be late." I yelled as I was putting on my shoes.

"Yes honey I'm comming I'm just looking for my keys I can't find them anywhere." My mom replied as she walked into the hall.

"They're here on the counter mom." I grabbed the keys and gave them to her"

"Ohw Baby. What am I supposed to do without you." She said as she ruffled my hair and we got into the car.

~~~~ At the hospital

"Kim Sunoo?"Doctor Kang called out for me as he walked into the waiting room.

My mom and me stood up as we followed doctor kang into his office.

"So Sunoo, tell me how have you been?" He asked me as he was typing on his computer.

"I've been doing great actually." I said happily.

"Well that's good to hear. Have you been taking all of your medicines?"

"Yup, everyday. In the morning 2, during lunch 2 and in the evening 3." I said proudly.

"Great, now let's do some test to see how your heart is doing." The doctor said as he was done typing on his computer.

When I had my monthly check-ups there were always the same test I had to do.

(Ps. I have no medical knowledge so I have no idea if this is how it works but let's act like it does for this story)

1. He would check my my bloodpressure, oxygene level and my heartbeat.

2. then I had to run 10 minutes on the threadmill and check my bloodpressure, oxygene level and my heartbeat again.

3. He would listen to my lungs to see if they're still functioning well.

4. And lastly we would make a Ct-Scan of my heart.

And then if everything is alright we would end with a small talk make a next appointment and I could go home.

After I was done with my text the doctor told me the results.

"Okay Sunoo, your bloodpressure and heartbeat is fine only your oxygene levels are a little bit low." He said as he started typing on his computer again.

"yeah I already thought so because after those 10 minutes of running I was really out of breath." I replied. Still a bit out of breath .

"Yup, so for that reason I will give you an inhealer. It's noting to worry about. And inhealer is also used for people with asthma."he said as he gave me the inhealer.

"It's really easy. You take off the cap, put that small part in your mouth. And the moment you push the top you will take a deep breath. And hold it for 10 seconds" He explained to me. And gestured for me to try it.

So i took off the cap and put the small part in my mouth. And the moment I sprayed it I took a deep breath. And then I held my breath for 10 seconds.

"And how does that feel?" My mom asked me.

"Great, I can breath so much better now."

"That's great. Just use the inhealer when you're having trouble breathing and you should be fine." Doctor Kang said.

"Thank you Doctor Kang." I said as I bowed to him.

"Don't worry Sunoo. And just call me Taehyun Hyung. I mean I practically have known you your whole life." Taehyun Hyung said.

"Okay, Thank you Taehyun Hyung." I said again.

We made an new appointment and then we bid our goodbyes and we left.

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