Chapter 7

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No ones POV

" Now boy I wasn't finished yet, There was noting we could do but operate him right away and preform the transplant. Because if we didn't he would have died." The doctor continued.

" So, how did it go? How is he doing?" Mr. Kim asked.

" The operation we not well there were no problems during the transplant. The new heart is doing it's job. And it's now up to the boy what happens.

" O-Okay, in what room is he?" Mrs. Kim asked

"He is still in the ICU and he will stay there for the rest of the night seeing that we want to keep eyes on him. And then if tomorrow everything is okay he will be sent to a room. And you can visit him then. So go home tonight get a rest and you can call when ever you want and we will then tell you his situation." The doctor said as he handed Mr.Kim a phone number.

" Okay thank you doctor." Mr.Kim said.

The doctor then nodded as he walked away.

After all 3 pairs of parents talked to each other they decided it would be the best if all of them went home got some sleep and then the next morning Mr an Mrs.Kim would take both of the boys to visit Sunoo.

~~ Next morning

As the four of them reached the hospital they asked if Sunoo was out of the ICU already and the nurses said that he was in room 212 on the second floor. They thanked the nurse and went to the room to find Sunoo sound asleep on the bed.

Mrs.Kim went immediately to her son and held his hand.

"Ohh, my beautiful boy, please be okay we all need you in our life."

Jungwon let go of Sunghoons hand and walked up next to Mrs.Kim and put his hand on Sunoo's shoulder.

"Sunshine Hyung, you need to wake up for us, we need you. We need our sunshine."

And this is how it went for the upcoming weeks. In the weekends Sunghoon and Jungwon would stay the whole day watching him and during the school days they would come after school and talk to him about their days hoping that would wake him up.

It took him 4 weeks.

One day when Jungwon and Sunghoon fell asleep on the sides of his bed while holding his hands they felt something twitching. As they opened their eyes they saw Sunoo's eyes looking back at him.

"Hyung/Sunoo!" They both exclaimed happily.

"Let me get the doctors." Sunghoon said as he stood up and called for the doctors.

"I-I was so scared H-Hyung that you were gonna leave us." Jungwon said as he held Sunoo's hand.

"Don't worry Wonnie, I won't leave you yet." He responded softly because he just woke up after some kind of coma.

"Ahh, Sunoo I see you have finally woken up, how do you feel? I'm doctor Kang and I'm the doctor who operated on you." The doctor asked.

"I-I'm fine I guess."

"That's good to hear, we called your parents and they should be here soon. After that we will check some vitals and then we will make and post operation plan." The doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor." Sunoo said. The doctor then left the three boys alone in the room again.

They talked a little about their days because Sunoo was very curious what happened the past few weeks. And Jungwon and Sunghoon happily told him. As they were very happy that their Sunshine was back. Then the door opened again showing Mr and Mrs.Kim

"Ohh, my baby!" Mrs.Kim said as she walked up to Sunoo and gave him a hug.

"Mom, dad, I missed you." Sunoo said as he hugged his mom back.

"We're very happy to see you awake and smiling again Sunshine." His dad said.

After that they had a talk with the doctor and made an recovery plan.

It might have taken half a year for Sunoo to be fully healed again, but he was very happy and thankful to be given a second chance.

When he went back to school there were many people talking about him. His parents and Sunoo himself requested that what happened to him wasn't told to anyone but his teachers at school. So people naturally came up with things. Liek that he skipped school for almost an whole year, or that he was suspended. People started to look at him differently. And that's exactly what he hoped to avoid.

So that's when Sunoo's fear for being the center of attention begun.

~ ~ Back to the present

Sunoo's POV
" Don't cry Jungwon please it's nothing like that. I'm doing perfectly fine. I'm taking my meds and I'm going for my check ups okay." I said as I wiped his tears.

"Then what is it Hyung, I haven't seen you like that since then." The younger boy said as he stopped crying.

"It's just yesterday, Ni-Ki was kind off being weird and he said somethings that made me maybe a little bit uncomfortable and confused p, but I promise you it's nothing bad." I reassured him.

"Ohh well, I have found Ni-Ki a bit weird too. The way he kept staring at you it's kind of weird." Jungwon said.

" I know but I'll shake the weird feeling off and I'll tell you next time something bothers me. Okay? I said to him.

"Yess you better do. Now let go down I'm sure class is about to start." The younger said as he stood up and gave me a cookie. I looked at him confused. " you haven't eaten lunch so eat this."

I accepted his cookie as we went down. And then parted ways to our next class.

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