Chapter 28

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Sunoo's POV

"What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked Jake Hyung

"I-I'ts like I said. I looked everywhere in the forest, but he was nowhere to be found."

"You don't think that?" Heeseung hyung asked Jake Hyung.

"I-I don't know, I haven't seen anyone of them. Neither have I sensed something weird." Jake Hyung explained to him.

"Okay you all need to stop this nonsense and tell me what the hell is going on. First you two-" I said pointing at Jay and Heeseung hyung. "Bring an unconscious Jungwon home and won't tell me anything and now you are here to tell us you can't find my hyung anywhere?!" I yelled at them showing my frustration.

"Sunoo you need to calm down a bit okay?" Ni-ki said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"No, I'm not caling down till any of you tell me what the FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!"

"What's going on with all the yelling in here?" A voice said. Which made everybody turn around.

"Jungwon?, You're awake!" I said as I hugged him.

"Ofcourse I am why wouldn't I? My neck just hurts a little bit and I'm a little lightheadded ." He said caressing his neck.

Heeseung's POV

"Maybe we should tell them." Jake whispered to me. "they deserve to know the truth."

"Are you sure? Like a 100% sure we can trust them?" Jay joined our conversation.

"Ofcourse we can." Ni-ki joined in too.

"And what if we find hoon and-and he's dead, they really derserve to know the truth. About this forest and about us." Jake told us.

"You're right we should tell them." We all agreed with Jake.

"I agree on that too." Sunoo said looking at us. Which ahd us all shook.

"You guys suck at whispering, So yeah we would like to know the truth." Jungwon joined in too.

"Okay well, let's all sit down first, because this is going to be one hell of a story." I said.

"Let's start with us. We are Vampires, and I know you guys probably think we're crazy and all, bu-"

"I KNEW IT. " Sunoo yelled out.

"I knew it. From the moment we met you guys I always thought there was some thing off about the four of you. From wearing sweaters in 30 degrees celcius, to your guyses procelain white skin. Like I know that Sunghoon hyung is white but you guys beat that."

"Wow you're pretty smart Sunoo." Jake said.

"You see jungwon, I'm not crazy. "

"I never siad you were crazy. I just said that what was written in the newspaper about vampires living in the forest was crazy." Jungwon replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Well apparently it wasn't crazy seeing that we have four vampires sitting in front of us and- OMG."


"This is that forest in the newspaper, That could be the reason why they didn't want me to help find you guys. OMG what if they have found Sunghoon hyung and he's dead right now."

"Hyung you need to calm down right now okay, we don't know if he's dead or not. Maybe Jake hyung missed sunghoon hyung while looking around." Jungwon tried to calm him down.

"let's just listen to their story first and then we'll see what happens next okay." Sunoo nodded. And motioned for me to go on with our story

"Okay well now that you guys know we're vampires let's move on with the rest of our story."

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