Chapter 9

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Sunoo's POV

As we were walking to the ice cream shop the others were all talking amongst themselves. Jake Hyung and Sunghoon Hyung were chatting happily. And Jungwon left me to talk with Heeseung Hyung and even Jay Hyung joined their conversation. Which left me and Ni-Ki to walk together. It was quite an awkward silence. I really wanted to thank Ni-Ki for protecting me from Hyeongmin, but I didn't know how. Seeing the fact that I was still confused about yesterday. After thinking for a while I decided to thank him.

"Ni-Ki?' I asked. he then looked at me waiting for me to continue.

"T-Thank you for protecting me from Hyeongmin, He has been bullying me for a while now." I said as I looked down.

"No problem." He said with an smal smile.

"I also wante to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I-I don't know what I was thinking but I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

" It's okay. Don't worry." I smiled back. And we continued our walk to the ice cream shop.

Sunghoon's POV

"Great let's get some ice cream!" Both Jungwon and Sunoo yelled as we all started to walk to the ice cream shop.

I smiled at their cuteness. Sometimes the two of them were quite annoying together especially if they teamed up. But I wouldn't change them for anything. The three of us have been best friends ever since and I'm really thankful for them. They helped me a lot.

"They're cute." I heard Jake say as he also looked at them.

"Yeah they are, you should've seen their baby pictures."

"But not as cute as you." As Jake said that I started to blush.

"I-I'm n-not cute." I argued.

"Yeah, you are look at you. You're blushing." He said teasing me.

We talked a lot on the way to the shop. I noticed me and Jake have a very similar personality. I'm really happy I made a friend like Jake. The other too though. But especially Jake. I really feel some kind of special connection to him.
As we reached the shop we all started to order our ice cream. Jungwon ordered Vanilla, Heeseung an Jay had Strawberry, Jake had Chocolate, Sunoo of course and to my surprise Ni-Ki to had Mint Choco and I had Coffee.

"That will be $21,75 then please." The cashier said.

"Sunghoon Hyung will pay." Sunoo said.

"What why me?!" I said confused.

"Because you offered to go here, so there for it's your treat." Jungwon said as he took a bite of his ice cream.

The others agreed and went to sit in a nearby booth.

"Okay, fine." I gave the cashier some money and she gave me my exchange.

"Have a nice day handsome and see you around." The cashier said as she winked at me.

"Y-Yeah bye." I quickly said as I walked away to the others and sat down.

"You okay Hyung, you look kind of off." Jungwon asked me.

" Y-Yeah I'm fine." I said as I took A bite of my ice cream.

"You sure, because it really looked like that cashier was flirting with you." Heeseung Hyung said.

" She did what?!" Jake said a little to loud what caused everyone in the shop to look at us.

"Yah, Hyung keep it down a little will you." Sunoo said.

"Thanks for the ice cream by the way Sunghoon." Heeseung Hyun said and the others followed.

"Yeah, no problem. But remind me to never offer to take you guys anywhere because other wise I gotta look for a job, because these two are kind of expensive sometimes." I said as I pointed to Jungwon and Sunoo. Who were smiling innocently. The others then started laughing.

After that the 7 of us just enjoyed our ice cream and talked a little.

Ni-Ki's POV

As everyone kept talking I started to become a little thirsty again. And seeing how things went don yesterday I really needed to get out of here, but without looking suspicious. I tried to talk to heeseung Hyung but he was to busy talking to Jungwon. Then I tried to talk with jay Hyung but he was to far away. So if I wanted to talk to him everyone at te table would hear is. Then there was only one person left. I kept looking at Jake Hyung hoping that he would understand me. It took quite a while for Jake Hyung to notice me seeing he was busy talking with Sunghoon Hyung, well actually more like flirting with him, but after a while he noticed me and he immediately understood me and nodded.

"Guys how fun this might be we actually need to go home we have a lot to do actually." Jake Hyung said.

Both Heeseung and Jay Hyung looked kinda confused at first but then he signaled to me and they immediately understood.

"Yeah thats right. We still have a lot of unpacking and things like that to do." Heeseung Hyung joined in.

"Oh okay, well at least it was fun." Jungwon Hyung said.

" Yeah, see you guys tomorrow?" Sunoo Hyung said.

The four of us nodded and then we left the shop. When we stepped out side Jay Hyung started taking.

"You thirsty again? I thought you were getting better at controlling it?" Jay asked me

" yeah so did I, But since I met and smelled Sunoo Hyung it became harder for me again." I looked down.

" Don't worry okay, We will help you through it." Jake Hyung said as he patted my back.

"Let's go now okay. We will talk about this later, I'm kind of thirsty to." Heeseung Hyung said and we all nodded and went home.

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