Chapter 50

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Jay's POV

I couldn't believe my own two eyes.

Infront of me was my brother. A-and he was alive.

"H-how." Was the only thing I could let out. Tears were streaming down my face as I clinged onto my brother for dear life.

He gently grabbed my face into his hands and made me look him in the eyes.

"I-it doesn't matter okay. The only thing that matters is that we have found each other again."

I nodded and hugged him tightly again.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this wholesome moment, but can someone explain what just happened here?" Ni-Ki said.

But everyone was just as curious as him.

"Well there's only one person who can tell you that." The one who I believe is called San said while pointing at Sunghoon.

"Well that's easy.  The first time I saw Seonghwa hyung I thought he looked somewhat familliar. ThenI heard Hyung's story about him losing his little brother and later on I heard Jay's story about him losing his older brother. The way they both discribed their sibling matched the other. And both of your names are Park. So I put one and one together. And with some help of Wooyoung- and San hyung I made you all meet up. So that's what's happening here." He declared with a smile on his face.

"Sunghoon-ah." I said as I walked up to him.

"You truely are one of a kind. Thank you." I hugged him. And after a few seconds I could feel my hyung joining in.

"Jeongseong is right. Thank you Sunghoon, for bringing us back together. We'll never forget this.

After this wholesome moment all of us decided to grab some drinks and food and sat down in the park. Some of us talked to catch up while others started to get to know each other.

"Soo, you got yourself a boyfriend huh." I started to joke around.

"Yes I do, and he's amazing." He said while looking over to his boyfriend who was currently talking with Heeseung hyung.

"I believe that. He looks very nice." I took a sip of my drink.

"And what about you?" I spit out my drink. "W-what are you talking about?" I wiped my mouth.

"Come on, I'm your older brother remember you used to tell me everything. Even about your little crush on you Heeseung hyung. " He said smirking.

I started to fidget with my hands.

"Don't tell me you haven't told him yet. Come on bro it's been a decade."

"I-it's not like that. I have told him. A-and he confessed he liked me back." I trailed of.

"But? I can feel there is a but comming?"

"H-he also confessed he might have feelings for Jungwon too. And I might have done the same." As I didn't get any reaction from him I looked up to see him looking around.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking around for Jungwon." I looked together with him.

"He's over there. Talking with Wooyoung shii."

"If I were you I'd be careful."

"Why? Looks like Woo is about to steel your soon to be boyfriend away from you."

After that comment I pushed him.

"He-he's not."

After that we talked about other things and it was really nice being able to talk to my brother again. At this moment I realised how much I actually missed him. I've always been able to tell him everything. I know that it's like that for Heeseung hyung too, but I can't talk to Heeseung about Heeseung. And no one knew about my crush on him. So I'm very grateful to have my brother by my side again.

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