Chapter 8

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No ones POV

After both boys parted their ways to their next classes the school day went on like nothing happened. There were still some whispers hee and there about what happened in the cafeteria, but Sunoo decided to ignore it. He figured out that that was te best way to deal with it.

Sunoo's POV
As I walked out of my next class to my locker I was suddenly pushed against it. And as I looked up I saw it was Hyeongmin who pushed me against my locker. "What do you want Hyeongmin?"I asked annoyed with him.

He has been kind of bullying me since people figured out I had a weak heart. He always told me that I deserved to have a weak heart and that I should've died that day. He would also called me names and and some times he would even punched me. He'd do everything to make me insecure and see me cry. Normally I would just ignore him till he grew tired of me, but this time I was just done with him.

"Just wanted to have a nice chat with my favorite boy, can't I?" He said with a stupid smirk on his face.

" I have no time for this Hyeongmin, just leave me alone." I tried pushing him away, but he was obviously stronger than me so he pushed me back hard against to lockers that made me groan out in pain.

"Ahw, did I hurt you? You're still not so strong are you?"

" I said leave me alone, I need to go somewhere." I said as I put my head down.

" And where is that pretty boy? Mmm? Oh I know, you need to go see you boyfriend right? It's one of those new boys in our class right?" He said as he grabbed my chin with his thumb and forefinger to make me look up to him.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I said as I looked at him.

"You sure? Because to me it clearly looked like the two of you were busy yesterday after school."

" Well, you clearly saw it wrong, He is not my fucking boyfriend!" I yelled at him. He than harshly slapped my face and grabbed my chin again.

"Do. Not. Talk. To. Me. That. Way." He said as he pointed his fore finger at me.

" Who's your boyfriend then huh? Ahh maybe that boy in the cafeteria he looked quite worried about you. Why?"

" Its nothing" I said.

" Ahh I know. You're dying again aren't you. That stupid body of yours isn't strong enough to keep living. Like i told you. You. Don't. Deserve. To. Live." He said with a smirk as he pushed his finger rapidly in my chest.

" Just Shut up!" I yelled at his as I was really frustrated with him. He was about to punch me and I closed my eyes as I was waiting for the pain to come, but before he could do anything a hand stopped him. As I opened my eyes I saw Ni-Ki holding Hyeongmins arm.

" Look I don't know who the fuck you are, but don't you fucking dare to ever touch him okay?" He said. But Hyeongmin didn't answer he just kept looking at me with that stupid smirk on his face as his other hand landed on my shoulder.

" Look pretty boy your boyfriend is here to defend you." Ni-Ki then turned him around to face him and grabbed him strongly by his face. " I said Don't. Fucking. Touch. Him!" And I don't know what else Ni-Ki did but after he said that Hyeongmin ran away.

I then stood up properly and grabbed the things from my locker and when I turned around Ni-Ki was gone. I then decided to walk to the exit of the school and waited for Jungwon and Sunghoon Hyung to show up.

As I was scrolling through my phone i didn't notice someone walking up to me. Well actually running up to me. Till  i was being hugged tightly by some one. And when I looked up I saw it was Sunghoon Hyung.

"I'm so sorry Sunoo i shouldn't have pushed you to tell me what's going on. I-I know you hate being the center of attention b-but I just really wanted to help you because you have always helped me a-and please don't hate me." He said as he was about to cry.

"Hey, Hey Hyung look up to me. I don't hate you okay. I never can and I never will. It's our promise remember best friends for live." I said as I put up my pinky.

"Best friends for live." He said as we did a pinky promise.

"Hey! How can you guys forget about me!" We both looked up to see Jungwon and the others walking up to us.

" We never forgot about you Wonnie." We both said as we pulled him into our hug.

"So, you all are okay?" Jake Hyung asked.

"Yep" I said.

" How about we go for some ice cream? I know you aren't mad at me Sunoo but I still want to make it up to you some how." Sunghoon Hyung suggested.

" Sounds like a great plan, I'm craving mint choco," I said happily.

" You and your weird love for mint choco." Jungwon said with an disgusted face.

"You guys wanna join too?" Hyung suggested while looking at the other four.

They all looked at each other for a while, like they were communicating with their minds but then finally they answered.

"yeah, we'll join you guys." Jake Hyung answered.

"Great let's get some ice cream!" Jungwon and me yelled as we started walking to the ice cream shop.

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