Chapter 14

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No one's POV

The next morning they all decided to walk to their first class together. Which was their home room with Mrs.Kim.

To their surprise Ni-Ki, Jake, Jay and Heeseung were the first ones to arrive. So they waited for the other boys to arrive.

"Why are we so early? we still have half an hour left befor school starts." Ni-Ki complained.

"Because we promised to walk together to class with the others and we can't do that if we're late." Jay replied.

"But I could have slept a little longer." Ni-Ki whined.

"Like you need any sleep." Jake said what made Ni-Ki glare at him.

While they were arguing they didn't notice the other boys walking up to them.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Jungwon asked them

"Nothing much just a stupid and pointless argue." Jay answered.

"Why are you guys so late?" Heeseung asked them as he looked at the time.

"Well someone here forgot their permission slip at home. So we had to go back and get it." Jungwon said while looking at Sunghoon who was scratching the back of his neck.

"Wait we have to turn them in today?" Jake asked.

"Yup, mrs.Kim said that yesterday didn't you listen?" Sunoo said.

"Shit I forgot abou that!" Heeseung said.

"Well I have some extra unsigned papers, but you still need someone to sign them." Jungwon said as he pulled some papers from his bag and gave them to Heeseung.

"Well seeing that Heeseung Hyung is our legal guardian can't he sign them?" Ni-Ki asked.

"W-wel I don't thin-" Before Jungwon could finish his sentence the others nodded and heeseung quickly signed the for permission slips.

"See all done." Heeseung said proudly

"I-i don't think that that is how it works" Jungwon said.

" Well who else is supposed to sign them? Our dead parents?" Heeseung said stating the obvious.

"It doesn't matter who signed them Jungwon-ah, the important thing is that they're signed and that they can come with us on the trip." Sunghoon said.

" Yeah Sunghoon is right. So what are we gonna do now? Class isn't starting in an other 45 minutes." Jay asked them as he looked at his watch.

" Maybe we can go to the canteen? And make some homework. Because I'm pretty sure those 2 haven't done any." Jungwon said as he pointed to his two bestfriends.

"Hey!" The said boys yelled together.
Their youngest friend gave the both of them a knowing look and they immediately shut up.

"Wait! So you're telling me we're just gonna do homework?! I could have slept for like an hour longer." Ni-ki exclamed. As the other 6 started walking to the canteen.

"Don't be so sad Ni-Ki ah I also know you didn't do your homework so now you can do it." Jake said teasing the younger as he glared at him.

~~~~~ In class Jungown's POV 

"Okay everyone please give me your permission slips and then I'll tell you all you wanna know about the trip." Mrs.Kim said as she stood up to get the papers.

"Are you guys sure she won't notice Heeseung Hyung signed them instead of your parents?" I asked.

"Yes I am. Because I'm also the person who signed al our other papers for school." Heeseung Hyung said confidently.

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