Chapter 47

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Sunghoon's POV

I couldn't stand this any longer. I got up from the chair and knelt down infront of Jungwon and held him tightly as tears were now streaming down my face as well.

"D-don't you dare to ever say that again." I held his face in my hands.

"You know that I'd never do that. We made a promise remember."

Jungwon nodded as he slowly looked up to me. "Yes I remember."

"Great so stop crying then, you're never getting rid of me even if you wanted." I joked and made him smile a bit.

"Sooo, does that mean you won't hate us too?" Only then I remembered that it wasn't just me and Jungwon in the room. But the others were here too.

I looked up from Jungwon and saw the others looking at me with a hopeful face.

"I suppose I could find it in my heart to not hate you guys." I said while making a thinking face.

"I'm not gonna lie I was and still am very upset. I told you guys my own very dark and painful past, but you didn't tell me yours. So I needed a little time to think about it all. I felt very betrayed, but then again I can understand why you guys didn't tell me." The guys nodded. Understanding where I came from.

"So i'll forgive you, under 2 conditions." They looked at me with big eyes eager to know my conditions.

"One, this will be the last secret you guys kept from me. Even if the truth is gonna hurt me I wanna know."

"And two, you four are gonna tell me the exact same thing you told them." They all looked at each other talking with their faces.

"Seems like a great deal." Heeseung hyung said.

Sunoo's POV

I'm very glad Sunghoon hyung decided to forgive all of us. I looked over at Wonie who seemed to have calmed down. I don't think I've ever seen him cry like that. He really must have thought that hyung was gonna leave him.

I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder and I looked to the side to see Ni-ki laying down on my shoulder. My first instinct was to push him off, but when I took a good look at him I saw that he looked very tired and pale as jay hyung mentioned earlier. There were also dark cirkles around his eyes.

"Ni-ki you sure you're fine?" I asked him. This probably gained the attention from everyone because Jay hyung came closer and put his hand to Ni-ki's forehead.

"You're burning up buddy." He said.

"Im just very tired hyung." Ni-ki sleepily replied as he snuggled closer to my nek.

"He can take a rest in one of the spare bedrooms down the hall if he wants?" Jungwon suggested.

"That's a great idea. Come one Ni-ki let's get you to bed." Jay hyung grabbed his hands and pulled him up. And they started walking down the hallway. Well it looked more like Jay hyung was holding up Ni-ki's body.

"Is he okay?" I decided to ask.

"Yeah I think so. I've never seen him like this though. Maybe he just had a bad sleep last night." Heeseung hyung shrugged.

It couldn't be the fact that I told him to distract himself right? I decided to drop the topic.

Jake's POV

We waited until Jay came back before continuing our talk.

"How is he doing?" heeseung hyung asked him to moment he walked back into the living room.

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