Chapter 22

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No one's POV

After the 7 boys arrived at the cabin they all went to take a quick shower and got dressed comfortably for the game night.

"Do we really have to go? I'd rather stay here and go to bed already." The youngest whined. As he sat down on the couch.

"How much i'd like to stay here to we have to go Ni-Ki." Jay said joining Ni-ki.

"Come on guys don't be party poopers. I'm sure this is gonna be fun." Sunoo said happily.

"Yeah, we just need to win and then we'll get a prize." The second youngest joined in.

"I'm curious what the prize would be though." Sunghoon said as he entered the room as he came fully dressed out of the shower.

"Probably something boring, like what could they actually give us that we'd like."

"we won't know if we don't go. And even if you don't I'm pretty sure Mr.Byun would come here and drag you ass to the game night." Sunghoon answered Ni-ki.

"Hyung is right, so get your asses of the couch and let's go before they begin without us!" Jungwon said as he pulled Jay and Ni-ki of the couch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the game night.

Sunoo's POV

As we entered the room we saw that all the other students and teachers were already there. Then Mr.Byun walked up to us.

"Ahh, there you guys are. My favorite students. I was already worried that i'd need to go to your cabin and drag your asses here. So I'm happy I didn't need to. Go look for a empty table. You can find food and drinks on the left side of the room and we'll start soon." Mr.Byun quickly said and walked of to go do whatever he needed to do.

"Told you." Wonnie sad as he stuck out his tongue to Jay and Ni-ki. 

"Let's look for an empty table and wait for it to start."Heeseung Hyung said looking around for an empty table.

"Yeah you do that and me and Wonnie will look for some food and drinks. Anyone want anything?" I asked.

"Can you look if they have any chocolate chip cookies?" Hoon Hyung asked me.

"Of course hyung. Anything else?" Everybody shook their heads. So me and Won went to get the food and drinks.

Jake's POV

"I see a empty table there in the back. Let's sit there."I suggested.

We walked over to the table and sat down.

Jake - Sunghoon- Sunoo-Ni-Ki and across from them Jay - Jungwon - Heeseung.

"Okay everybody we're almost done. We'll start in 5 minutes." Mr.Choi said.

"Seeing that we have 5 minutes left I'll go to the toilet real quick." Sungoon left the table.

"Hyugs, I'm thirsty." Ni-ki whined.

"Then you should've asked Sunoo and Jungwon to get you something to drink." Heeseung hyung answered bluntly.

"Noooo, not that kind of thirsty."

"What's the last time you've drunk?"

"Last  night I think."Ni-ki shrugged. 

"You think?! Ni-Ki, you know this is not the time to forget it. We're one a damn school trip!"Hyung whisper yelled.

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