Chapter 51

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No one's POV

The four vampire boys safely dropped of their friends at home and then used Ni-ki's teleportation to go to their own.

"Well that was an eventful evening wasn't it." Heeseung said as he sat himself down on the couch.

The others agreed with him. "Does anyone else want a drink?" Jay asked as he started to head for the kitchen.

"Yes please." Heeseung and Jake quickly answered.

"Anything in particulair?" He asked them again as he was looking into the fridge already picking something for himself.



Both vampires yelled back. "Ni-ki you want anything?"

He gave the boys their drinks as he looked over at the youngest vampire who was definetly spacing out.

"Ey Nishimura." Heeseung snapped his fingers.

"Huh no thanks, I'm going to bed." He said as he stood up "Goodnight."

The three of them shared a look. All confused to why the boy was acting this way.

"He's been acting kinda weird to last few days. Just randomly disappearing and appearing. Like yeah his power is teleportation, but he's never been randomly disappearing like this."

That's the truth. The said boy has been disapearing more frequently these days. And they are pretty sure it's been a while since they last saw him drink blood. They know that he isn't a little kid anymore but to them he'll always be one.

"Let's not worry to much okay, I'm sure he's fine. He knows how to handle himself." Jake said as he downed the last of his drink. And went to grab an other one.

"Woah what's gotten you worked up?" Jay asked as he sat down next to Heeseung on the couch.

"Shut up." Was the only reply he got.

"What's wrong with him?" Jay whispered to Heeseung.

"I don't know Jake's the mindreader not me, but if I had to guess I think he's kinda jealous." He too finished his drink.


"Yeah, you saw the way he reacted when Sunghoon proved how nice the other guys were. I think our Jakey has his eyes set on Hoon."

"You really think so?" Heeseung nodded. And that made Jay think about it. Only to end up agreeing with his Hyung.

They sat in silence for a little while Jay was quietly finishing his drink too. Only after he put his glass down on the table Heeseung started to talk again.

"But enough about the others." He pulled the younger male onto his lap. "How about you/ How do you feel?" He placed his hands on both sides of Jays hips and looked at him like he was his whole world.

"Well it was overwhelming ofcourse and it still feels like a dream. But I don't think I've been this happy in ages." He started smiling.

"That's great I like seeing you smile. What did the two of you talk about mhh." His hands were now moving to hold his waist underneath his hoodie. Slowly drawing circkles on them with his thumb.

"Uhh n-nothing important." Jay stared to blush underneath his hyungs intense stare.

"You sure? I could feel both of you watching me." He started to smirk knowing he had the younger boy exactly where he wanted him to be.

"F-fine." He sagged against his hyung. Hiding his face into his hyungs neck to embarassed to look at him.

"We were talking about you."

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