Chapter 43

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(italics means that someones talking to themselves)

Jungwon's POV

"If I could do this all over again I would. The only thing I wanted was to protect Sunghoon hyung, but all I did was hurt him more. What if he didn't want to be friends with us anymore. My breathing started to get irregulair making it hard for me to breath. I-I shouldn't have said anything that day. W-we have never kept any secrets for each other. Did I just really ruin our friendship-" I fell to my knees.


"I should really learn when to keep my mouth shut like my parents told me."


"Why do I never learn? You stupid idot." I started to hit my own head as tears were streaming down my own face.

"Yang Jungwon!!" I looked up to the person infront of me.

"J-J-Ja-Ja." I tried to talk but I couldn't.

"Just take a breath okay. I know you can." Jay hyung said as he held my face in his hands.

"I-I- I can-I can't." It felt like I was suffocating.

No one's POV

"Guys help. How do we help him?" Jay asked the others. But they all shook their heads.



"How do we help Jungwon?"

"N-Normally we'd have Sunghoon hyung to help Won, b-but he isn't here." He said. physically he was here. But mentally he wasn't.

It was quiet for a little till Jake spoke up.

"Okay I have an idea let me do it." Jay nodded and made space for Jake.

"Jungwon. Won I need you to look at me." Jake spoke sternly. So Jungwon did and looked up at the vampire.

"Great, now I need you to look into my eyes and do exactly as I say." Jake ordered as his eyes started to glow red. And so Jungwon did.

"Now Jungwon, Just take a deep breath into your nose and out through your mouth." Jake showed it and Jungwon followed. It was still a bit shakey in the beginning, but it kept getting better.

"you're doing great. Think you can start doing it on your own?" Jungwon nodded.

Jake then closed his eyes. And when they opened again instead of a maroon red collor. They were now back to his original colour.

"You okay now Won?" Jake asked as he put his hand out to help the boy up.

"Y-yeah I think I am. I had a panic attack didn't I? It's been a while since I had them. I gue-"

"You don't need to explain Won. We're just happy you're okay. Let's just go back to the cabin and go to bed. We're all tired." Heeseung suggested.

"But what about Sunghoon hyung?" Ni-ki asked.

"He said he'd be back in time for the bus so I'll trust him to be there on time tomorrow morning."

"And what about that other vampire. I don't trust him." Ni-ki argued.

"Neither do I. But what he said was right, we all want the best for Sunghoon. So let's just trust Sunghoon and let him have some time to think about it." Jake spoke.

"He's right so let's go."


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