Chapter 52

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No one's POV

"Are we done already?" Ni-ki whined as he sat down on the chair.

The guys just finished the first half of there classes of the day. And Ni-Ki was already done for the day.

"Not quite yet bud. We still have maths and english left." Heeseung sighed as he sat down too. For these guys is has been years since they last been to school.

"You don't get to sigh. At least you guys passed the history class. I failed, again." Sunghoon pouted as he looked down at the 52% mark on his history test. 

"I thought your study sessions were going well?" Jungwon asked the upset boy.

"I thought so too, but apparently not. Guess I'll never pass history."

"Don't worry we can help you too. You remember Heeseung hyung is almost 200 years old." Jake joked.

"Hey. Don't make me feel old."

"Don't worry hyung in my eyes you're just 20 years." Jungwon said as he patted the boys schoulder.

"I'm gonna go and grab a snack from the vending machine. Anyone else want anything?" Sunoo said as he stood up. Everyone shook their heads in a no. "Okay be back soon."

Sunoo's POV

Man I have been craving chips since 3rd period. Hopefully the vendingmachine isn't empty yet. Some of these people start snacking at eight in the morning.

"Okayy number 4." I said as I put some money in the machine and touched number 4."  The machine was slow, but seeing that I was hungry I got frustrated. "Come onnn give me my chips."


"Seriously?!, stupid machine." I kicked the machine but it didn't budge.

"Kicking isn't going to work. So let me help you." A voice behind me said.

"This machine is probably just as old as the school is. So you just need to be smart." The unknown boy put in some money and pushed the button for number 8.

The machine started to work and the candy bar from number 8 took down my chips. The boy bended down and grabbed both snacks.

"Thanks. I was really craving these."

"No problem happy to help. Us students gotta stick together right." He gave me my chips.

"That's true. I'm Kim Sunoo bye the way. I think I haven't seen you around yet." I put ou tmy hand for him to shake.

"I'm Lim Jaekyung. I-I uhm, I just transferred. So I'm just trying to find my place around here."

"Well you found yourself your first new friend."I said as I smiled at him.

"That's really nice. Being alone is kind of scary in a school as big as this one.

"Yup, you wanna go with me and meet my friends?

"N-no thanks I-I need to go to my next class." The boy kinda seemed nervous, but maybe he's just shy when meeting new people.

"Okay, well you know my name so you know where to find me. It was nice meeting you Jaekyung."


I waved goodbye and started to walk back to the others.


When I reached the table I sat down on my still empty spot.

"Soo that took you long enough. Did you get your chips from Japan or something?"

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