Chapter 6: It's War

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Dreadful Monday, I said goodbye to my parents as I get in Kate's car.

Kate kept glancing my way while driving us to school. I look out the window and kept my gaze on the road " Do you want to skip school today? " Kate's voice broke through my thoughts.

"No Kate. We should go to school, education is important" I smile at her, and Kate smiles with a roll of her eyes " Ok, grandma. "

I look out the window at the pass-by cars. I wonder what they do for a living and if they're happy. 

"Look, I know your family is going through some stuff right now." 

I turn to my friend cautiously. 

"I know you haven't been home; you have been at the Godson's."

My heart sinks into the leather of her seat. 

"I stopped by a couple of times to see you at your house and your parents kept giving me excuses that I know weren't true. Your mom sat down with me one day and told me you're working for the Godson."

Kate glances at me 

"Your mom didn't tell me much else."

She looks at my tense arms on my lap. 

 "But as your best friend, you can rely on me a bit more. I'm always here to listen, Elena."

She touches my hand over my lap, my tense arms relax slightly at her warm touch. 

I squeeze her hand in reassurance "Thank you, Kate." 

She turns and smiles at me. When I say nothing else, she adds "How was your stay at your own home?"

"It was great." My mind reverts to my brother from last night. 

He was hiding something. Whoever is in that black SUV can't be good news. 

We pull up into the school parking lot, Kate finds her usual parking spot, I gather all my things ready for the day. 

We get out of the car, Kate waves her hand happily at someone behind me " Morning, Mr. Mattigon!" She yells and winks at me.

I look around the parking lot nervously for that familiar dark figure, I haven't seen him since that day. 

I turn to Mr.Mattigon with a polite "Good morning" and that's when I see him.

A few yards away, leaning against his car talking to his friends. A blonde girl stands close to his side she's laughing at something someone said, she leans in and lays her head on his bicep briefly before raising her head back and saying something to someone. 

As if sensing my stare, his eyes found mine. 

I quickly look away and found Mr.Mattigon still looking at me, he turns to look behind him when I quickly said "What's the agenda for today Mr.Mattigon? Any surprise quizzes?" 

He stops mid-turn before looking at me with a smile "No, no quizzes today. It'll be a fun day today."

"Ooh look at the time! I gotta run, see you both later." Kate said suddenly.

I know what she's doing, I narrow my eyes at her. The sad thing is she thinks she's helping me, but she's making it worse. 

I clench her arm before she can make her escape, through grit teeth and a smile still plastered on my face "Let's go together, Kate. You and I need to do something before class, remember?" I said to my best friend.

She looks at me with confusion before something registers in her eyes "Oh yeah, that's right. How could I forget, silly me." 

"Mr.Mattigon, I'll see you in class later." I smile my goodbye.

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