Chapter 54: His Girl

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Griffin's ready to be out of this hospital, he's been here far too long.

Excitement hums the air as he gets ready to leave.

He takes off his hospital gown and picks up his T-shirt when the door opens.

He turns, and Jackie stands at the door.

He takes one look at her before she quickly rushes to him and wraps her arms around his waist.

Griffin stuns, both his arms hanging midair with his shirt dangling on one of them.

She sniffles into his chest.

He looks down at the top of her head "Jackie-"

"I'm so happy you're awake." She sniffles

"I thought I'll never get to see you gain." She continues

Griffin closes his eyes momentarily to collect his words "I'm ok now. What I do need is to put on this shirt."

She looks up at him resting her chin against his chest with a smile "I don't mind. I kind of like this."

Griffin pries her fingers from around him " Jackie, but I do mind."

She snuggles into him harder " No, I like it here."

"Jackie!" He said it louder

She freezes.

Slowly she unwraps herself from him.

"I was just messing with you," she said

"Please don't. I don't want anyone to misunderstand us." Griffin slides his shirt over his head

"Are you mad because I'm only visiting you now since you have been awake?"

Griffin pulls his shirt down his mid-torso "What? No, I'm not mad. But I do need to go." He puts more things into his bag.

"Why are you always in a rush every time I see you?!" Jackie demands

Griffin pauses his mid movement; he turns to her then

"I can take you home! You can't drive on your first day out of the hospital. " She adds quickly "Please? Let me drive you home."

His temple starting to throb "Jackie-"

"C'mon, Griffin. You know I'm right; you shouldn't drive in your condition." She didn't let him finish

She tries to reach for the bag from him.

" Jackie, stop. Listen to me." He pushes the bag out of her reach

He waits until she looks at his face.

"I only ever cared for you as a friend. There can never be anything more."

She shakes her head as her eyes begin to tear up "No, don't say that."

"We were each other first, Griffin. Tell me that didn't mean anything." Tears slide down her cheek

"We were young and vulnerable. I was weak, I should have known better. I wish I could go back in time and undo it."

"No, don't say that! It was something. We were something."

"No, we were nothing."

She breaks down and begins sobbing then " You're so cruel. How could you say that?!"

"I need you to understand. I am sorry. We were friends but until you can put these feelings aside, I don't think we should talk."

He wants to hold and comfort her like he used to, but he knows he shouldn't. Just look at where it had gotten them.

Misunderstanding and heartbreak.

"I have to go. Take care of yourself, Jackie."

He didn't have the heart to tell her Elena is waiting for him, she'll be the girl he was taking home. He didn't want to twist that knife.

It'll be a detail for another day.

Today he just wants to be with his girl.

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