Chapter 34: Imprisonment

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A groan escapes my lips when I try to move my body. I slowly open my eyes, I lift my hand to move my hair out of my eyes, but it feels heavy accompany by clanking sounds. I look down to see a metal cuff around my wrists connected to chains embedded in the floor. My heart plummets at the sight, I try to pull the cuff off my wrist, with no success. I make my hand smaller by squeezing all my fingers together, I pull on the cuff until my hand is raw with pain "aaahhh!" I let out a painful scream.

I switch to putting all my strength into pulling the chain embedded in the floor. My whole body shakes as I put all my strength into pulling, but nothing. The chain drops to the floor with a loud thud. I exhale sharply through my nose. Panic sets in, my heart rate spike, and my stomach churns and gallops with fear. I look around me, the room is dark with barely any light if it weren't for the sunlight streaming through a few holes on the rooftop. I smell oil mixed with gasoline and something rotten, and my nose twitches at the rotten smell.

Dread runs down my spine as I look at each dark corner of the room, each corner creates new fears, it's like looking at an endless black void, you can't see what lurks behind it, but it can see you.

A nauseous sensation hits my stomach, rising to my throat, I regurgitate, but nothing comes out. The feelings linger and stay in my guts to keep me company.

The room is eerily quiet.

My entire body feels cold as I break out in sweats, I tug my legs closer to my body. I scan the dark room "Hello?" I call out. I wait, I thought I felt a movement in one of the dark corners of the room, I focus my eyes on it, and my pulse quickens. The stench of the place increase ten folds, and I held my breath.

I will my eyes adjust to the darkness. I wait for what seems like an eternity, but nothing.

The room is now completely dark with very little moonlight streaming through. I hear the sounds of nocturnal animals outside, hunting. The sounds of howling wind hit the building, I hear the sound of metal clanking somewhere in the building, and goosebumps break out on my cold skin. I concentrate on my hearing, thuds sound could be heard somewhere in the distance, for what sounds like footsteps. I hold my breath and concentrate harder, I look toward the sound, everything cloaked in darkness. Nothing.

The wind howled outside creating havoc in my chest.

"Help!" I scream for the hundredth time, except now my voice starting to lose its steam, and my throat feels scratchy. My wrists became raw with red bruises against my struggle, and my chest feels tighter with each passing minute.

The temperature in the room drops a few more degrees, I shiver in the cold dark room. The only thing keeping me warm is my lukewarm tears sliding down my cold skin.

I woke up to the feeling of something grazing my skin, I look down at a small rat crawling on my bare arm, I let out a loud yelp and try to dislodge it from me, I shake my arms and rattle the chains in the quiet room. The rat falls onto the cold pavement and scrambles back to its dark corner.

My throat feels dry, I swallow a few times.

The nauseous feeling still lingers in my guts, except now it occupies with a pounding headache.

I look around the room, and my eyes land on a McDonald's bag sitting in front of me with a bottle of water.

My eyes scan the room in a frantic.

Someone was here with me.

My stomach growls at the sight of the food, I swallow and close my eyes. My headache increases its pounding. I slowly exhale and reach for the food items. I open the bag, a burger and fries. I take out the burger, inspect it and place it back in the bag. I look at the water longingly. I pushed both items back into their place.

My legs begin to feel like static sitting in one position, the chain is not long enough for me to stand, I stretch my legs out and wait for normal sensation to return.

I lasted for half a day before I grab for the food again. My headache and the nauseous feeling never went away. I bite into the burger, it's stale and dry, I drink some water to help. I taste nothing, my stomach feels squeezy as I swallow the food. I make myself finish the burger to get energy. I drink the water conservatively; I don't know when my capturer will return. I place the leftover fries and water close to me.

I lost track of times of how long I had been here, my headache and the nauseous feeling begins to subside after I have some food in my system. I stretch my arms and legs regularly to get the blood flows going.

There's only one door in this room and I'm seating facing it. There's no window, and the only thing that provides some sort of outside activity is the little hole in the wall, even so, it's so tiny that I can't see anything to the outside from where I'm at, but the outside can look through the whole and watches me.

I lost track of how many days I had been here, I woke up each morning to a bag of food and water in front of me. 

My strength is depleting.

I woke up to what sounded like a metal door being pushed open in the distance. My spine spikes in an alert. I sit up straighter, loud footsteps echo in the building, blood rush to my ears, and the footsteps get louder as it gets closer. My eyes strain at the door. I hold my breath.

The door slowly pushes open. A large hand came into view, faded blue jeans clad in boots, my eyes slide up to blue T-shirts that stretches over a round belly, the word "Got Milk?" Stretches across his shirt. My eyes travel higher, dark eyes met mine.

He lets go of the door's handle and walks slowly into the room. He got to a few feet in front of me before he stops and slowly squats down to my eyes level. He eyes me steadily; I want nothing more than to scoot farther away into the room.

His hand reaches out, and I flinch.

He dangles a brown bag in front of him " Eat." He spoke

He places it on the floor in front of me, eyes on me moments longer, my skin prickle with a crawling sensation just as that rat had invoked in me a few days ago.

He slowly got back up and walk out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Before the door is completely shut behind him, I can make out some crates and some kind of machinery outside the door. Looks to be a warehouse type place.

I open the brown bag, a burrito wrap, a water bottle, and five brown napkins.

My whole body ache, my head feels light and hazy, I break out in sweats, and fever consumes me.

I vaguely remember someone pressing the back of their hand against my forehead. My eyes flutter as I fight to stay conscious.

"Fuck!" I vaguely hear someone curse before blackness hits my vision.

I regain consciousness of the pain in my left arm, I had unconsciously laid on it all night cutting off its circulation, I wince at the pain, and I slowly stretch it straight for circulation.

My vision focuses on a box of Tylenol and a water bottle in front of me.

I slowly reach out; my body is weak and at an alarming decline.

My hand shakes as I try to peel out the medicine. I'm finally able to get it open, I took one pill and swallow it with water.

My body shakes with sweat as the fever consumes me.

I close my eyes, a light touch grazes my cheek, and I slowly open my eyes. A smile greets me "Hey" his soft voice said to me.

My lip twitches, and I try to return his smile "Hey" I reply weakly

"I'm right here. I got you." His hazel eyes scan my face, I close my eyes and smile weakly.

"I know, Griffin," I said

I reopen my eyes. The room is dark, the temperature drops even lower, my body shakes, a sob breaks out from my guts, and I hunch over in pain.

"I'm right here, Griffin." I sob weakly in the dark, alone.

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