Chapter 20: Two Years Later

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Two years later

I sit outside a restaurant and laugh with Kate " do you know how stupid that was?" She asks me as she tells me about her misfortune adventure. We both are in giggles town by the time she finishes her story " Would you ladies like a refill?" We both look up at our server " Yes, please" Kate smiles brightly at the young man, and he smiles back before his eyes turn to me, I return with a polite smile " Yes, please" I respond. He refilled our iced tea, as he finishes, he glances up at me and I thank him.

"You know that boy been staring at you." Kate said as I take a sip of my iced tea "That's not true, Kate. Stop with the nonsense, he's being polite." I said

"He's being polite with me, but he's googling eyes with you," Kate says

" Nonsense. How's Alex?" I ask instead

"He's doing good, busy as always. We did manage to spend some more time together before he goes out of town to visit his grandparents." She sighs

"When he's coming back?" I ask

"Not until next week" Kate answered sadly

"Wow, how will you ever survive the long winter?" I laugh at my best friend

Kate swats my hand on the table "Ouch! That hurts you know" I remove my injured hand away from her

"You deserve more than that for saying cruel things," Kate said

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. Movie night with pizza at our place after work?" I suggest with a grin

Kate narrows her eyes at me " What kind of movie?"

"The Proposal" my grin stretches wider, knowing I got her. Kate's eyes open slightly wider, she loves The Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. Her all-time favorite romance movie, period.

"Ok, I'll allow it," she said

I laugh at her response

Almost a year ago, Kate surprised me when she asked if I wanted to get an apartment together with her, I always thought she would want this with Alex, given how much their relationship had developed. I had asked her if she didn't want to save and do this with Alex instead. She said no and that she couldn't imagine herself taking this step with anyone else but me. I honestly felt like I was being proposed to with how she was asking me so, of course, I said yes, we both jumped up in joy and lived happily together ever after.

"I'm going to use the bathroom really quick, be right back" Kate announces

"Ok" I reply

We're currently sitting in the front patio of the restaurant, many people are out walking on the sidewalk enjoying this beautiful sunny day, the wind provides a much needed breeze to make today a perfect outdoor day.

I lift my head slightly as the wind picks up and close my eyes, the gentle breeze circles around me, gently brushing against my hair and skin, and I smile. Someone clears their throat lightly to my right; I instantly open my eyes and was surprised to see the server now standing in front of me.

A smile appears on his face " Hi, I..." he said " My name is Charlie" he said

I smile back " Hi, Charlie. My friend, she's in the restroom right now. Sorry, we have been taking up your table for a while. I'll check with her when she's back if she wants dessert or is ready for the check."

"That wasn't why-" He starts but then he looks toward the direction of the bathroom " Your friend, she's back." His eyes return to me

"Do you want dessert? " I ask as Kate takes a seat

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