Chapter 42: Let Us Make It

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My feet keep on moving, I don't stop. I won't chance anything. I keep on running. Branches scratch my face, and I feel trickling wetness slide down my face, I don't know if it's my blood or sweat, but I don't care. I keep running. I run until my lungs feel tight, my legs burn, and my chest is about to pop open.

I keep running when a branch snapped hard against my face and blurred my vision for a few seconds and pain radiant all over my face, I kept running. The image of Griffin laying helpless against the tree trunk assaults my vision, my breathing becoming dangerously labor, air getting thinner. I keep running.

Pain radiant through my toes as they spread throughout my body, my body stiffens and contracts as the pain travels up my body. My eyes sting as the whoosh of air left my lungs, I'm falling. My body hit the ground with a loud blood curling crack. Pain radiant through my body like never before " Ugh!!!" I writhe in pain on the ground.

I look down at my foot, a big tree branch lay beneath my leg, a sharp broken branch pierce through my thigh as I fell right on top of it " oh god!" I let out a sharp cry of pain.

My breathing becomes shallow as I assess the damage. I look around in every direction, I reach my hand toward my pierced thigh "Ugh!!" The area is so tender it hurts even with a slight touch, blood oozing out.

I take a couple of deep quick breaths through my pursed lips " You can do it, Elena! You can do it!" I chant to myself. I wrap my hand around the branch, the movement caused so much pain that I had to stop. My body slumps forward, and my shoulders shake with tears" Why are you doing this to me? I had been a good person. A good person." I said to no one looking up at the sky


"That's what I thought."

I look down at my thigh once more, I inhale a sharp long breath then exhale slowly.

I wrap both hands over the branch, inhale sharply, and pull hard.

Sharp edges pierce through my flesh, and pain shot up my spine.

" Ugh! Oh god! Oh god! " I try my best to keep my voice down. With the last of my strength, and one last hard tug, the branch finally come loose.

My hands tremble, looking down at the deep open wound on my thigh, my lips feel cold as all heat zapped from my body.

I rip part of my shirt and tied it around my thigh to stop the bleeding; bile threatens to come up my throat.

I stay seated moments longer before I push myself up, muscles contract so did the pain.

I couldn't get up.

I try again.

"Come on, get up. Please." I beg my body

But my body did not listen.

With the strength, I have left I begin to crawl.

"Come on, you can do this. " I grit through my teeth.

Loud crunching footsteps could be heard to my left, I turned toward the thick tree line. What feels like an eternity as I lay completely still and listen.

More footsteps could be heard approaching. Heart in my throat, I pull myself harder to move on the ground. 

My arms tremble against my body weight as I'm desperate to move faster, but I wasn't fast enough. I hear the footsteps come to a complete halt.

My body hit the ground in panic, I try harder.

"I found her! She's here!" A male voice announces

The man rushes towards me, I fight him off with my extended arms.

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