Chapter 59: His Ultimatum

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We drive along the road; Griffin puts on soft music in the background.

He glances at me, I'm nervous. My stomach tightens up in a knot, unsettled feeling kept nagging at me. My nerve got the best of me, I feel nauseous.

Griffin notices it and places his on top of mine "We'll be ok." He smiles reassuring me

I manage a smile back, doing my best to hold in the contentment in my stomach and calm myself.

We reach a massive gate; Griffin rolls his window down and presses a button. Moments later the gate opens, and Griffin slowly drives forward.

This place screams status and money.

The driveway extends for miles, and a dramatic landscape of magnificent sculptures displays all around us.

The car finally comes to a stop. The house looms in front of us in its grandiose glory.

Giant fountains sit in front, and waterfalls cascade down to create never ending water sweeping riffles.

Griffin opens my door before I realize it. I step out slowly. He grasps his fingers around mine and grips it lightly "You ready?" He asks

"Yes" I respond

He gives me one last smile before turning back toward the house.

His face transforms into a stoic expression as he leads us in.

A man in suits and ties came to meet us halfway "Griffin, it's a pleasure meeting you again." His eyes slide to me "You must be Elena Melvic. I'm Gary, I oversee Mr. Godson's estates." The man introduces himself

I smile "Nice to meet you"

"Where is he?" Griffin cuts in

"Alway straight to the point. He's waiting for you both in his study." Gary said

He leads us along the corridors, I grip Griffin's hand tighter, and he squeezes mine back while his eyes remain ahead.

Gary stops in front of a door, knocks twice, and waits for a few seconds before opening the door.

Sits behind a massive wooden desk in a sharp suit, sat Henry Godson. Look every bit as intimidating as he intended.

Griffin remains unshaken as he faces his grandfather.

"Have a seat. I have been expecting you two." Henry Godson invites

Both me and Griffin sit down facing him.

"I heard you're engaged." He said to his grandson

His eyes are sharps as he assesses his grandson.

Griffin remains unaffected looking back at his grandfather.

"We are. Soon to be married." Griffin answers

"So, it seems," Henry said leaning back in his chair, both hands pressed together on the table.

His eyes slide to me, my stomach clench in pain bile threatens to rise, but I hold it in.

A slow smile stretches his lips.

"I must say, it's funny how histories always manage to repeat themselves.  It felt just like yesterday when your father sat in that very chair." He said

"With a Melvic girl." His eyes dismiss me as he regards his grandson

Griffin tightens his hold on my hand.

"Her name is Elena. She has her own name and her own person." Griffin grits out

"A Melvic girl, nonetheless." Henry dismisses it like he's swatting off a fly.

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