Chapter 49: Junior Year in High School

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Junior Year in High School

He walks by her in the hallway, she's so small barely reached his shoulder.

He looked down as she passed by and carried another book as always. He couldn't help but smile to himself at how adorable she was.

He noticed she began to quicken her steps to catch up with someone, a small smile formed once again on his lips always in a hurry with those feet.

He had hoped for many things, but it never played out the way he wants.

She still doesn't spare him even a glance. Sometimes that's all he wanted, just a look. But she never does, her eyes only follow one person just as his only follows her.

And it's eating him inside.

He doesn't understand why she doesn't remember him. He remembers everything about her since they were kids.

He turned to watch her again.

You just couldn't help yourself, could you Griffin?

She slowed her steps and walk alongside her math teacher.

Fist clenched, he turns back around and walks to class with his friend.

      Griffin walks by his father's study "Griffin, come in here my son" his father called out

Griffin stepped into his father's study, he liked his father's study. It's the place he spends the most time with his father as a kid, he used to play here on this very wooden floor while his father working. And his father always working.

He went to sit down facing his father.

"How's school, son?" His father asked, he puts his pen down and look at his son

"It's going well, a lot of schoolwork and soccer practices, but I'm managing." He replied

"That's good. I was starting to worry if soccer is getting too much for your study. I got a call from Coach Jones saying you have been late to practice quite a few times now. Would you care to explain why?"

She goes to the library at that time.

"I have been going to the library to study and lose track of time. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

It's not entirely a lie, he did have a book open in front of him while he was there, whether he was reading them or not that's up for debate.

His father looked at him in silence, eyes on his son unwavering.

Whatever he saw, he decided to drop it.

"Very well, I have a business to attend to today, I won't make it for dinner. I'm going to visit Melvic's household. Their father is not doing well."

Elena's father.

"What's going on with him?"

"Remember the curse Lisa talked to you about?"

Griffin nodded.

The silly curse he was told years ago, he never believed a word of it. But Lisa was gun on telling the story like it's a bedtime story.

"I think it's getting worse for them. I just wish we can put all these behind us, this thing is a burden to all of us." His father closed his eyes and pitch the bridge of his nose

An idea takes form in his head, one that he knew is wrong. But nothing had been working right for him.

"Why don't we..." he cleared his throat and try again "why don't we break it once and for all."

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