Chapter 18: Who is She?

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I pull everything out of the same box, but nothing. I went through the second box, nothing. I repeat and go through many different boxes and still nothing. Frustrated, I sit down and hang my head between my knees.

I make my way to the door open it and come face to face with Lisa "My goodness, you startle me." Lisa said

After looking at me for a few seconds she said " Are you ok honey? Can I help you with anything?" Lisa asks

"No, I'm ok thank you. Is Mr. Godson still around, Lisa?" I ask

"No, he just left for business" Lisa replies

"Ok. I'm going back to my room to finish up my homework" I said to her

"Oh, ok honey. Let me if you need anything." She smiles but still looks concerned


I walk past her, my heart pounding in my chest for what I'm about to do.

I glance behind me as I walk away Lisa turns in a corner, and I quickly change my route.

I make my way toward Gerold Godson's study.

I check behind me to make sure I'm not being followed. Empty hallway. 

I stand outside his study, hesitation in my step only moments before I quickly make my way inside and close the door. My hand shakes as I let go of the door's handle, and my heart palpitates fast inside my chest. I take a long deep breath to calm myself, I'm scared out of my wit right now. I had never done anything like this in my whole life. 

 I look around the study, it's huge. Remembering the first night I was summoned in here with Griffin. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

I walk farther into the room towards his desk, I make my way behind it. I look at the contents on top of the desk, they're mostly contracts and business related paperwork. Not seeing anything I'm looking for I try the top drawer; it contains mostly pens and more papers. I try the two bottom drawers and they're the same result, nothing.

I look around the room and consider where to look next when I hear footsteps outside.

Shit. Shit!

 I quickly duck below the table and hide.

The person opens the door slowly and walks inside. I press my hands over my mouth to hold my breath too scared they'll hear even my breathing. The footsteps stop in the middle of the room. My heart is about to jump right out of my chest, I begin to sweat as fear settles low in my gut. 

Is this how I'll go? Passed out from a heart attack under this very desk. I can just imagine the headline "A girl tries to steal from the Godson suffer from a heart attack during her heist."

Please at least let me look presentable when they find my body. Not like those victims from The Grudge. 

The footsteps proceed to walk to my right, I hear some rustling and then the sound of a book being picked up and placed back on the shelf. 

The footsteps retreat to the center of the room and stop.

I listen carefully, and quietly. The only thing I hear is the pounding of my chest. 

For what seems like an eternity the footsteps retreat toward the door, open it, and walk out.

I slowly remove my hands from my mouth and peek over the table, the room is empty. I make my way toward the door and slowly open it. I peek outside the hallway is empty.

I look to my right where I heard the person move, I walk closer to it a book protrudes out of place on the shelf, I pull it out.

The Alchemist by Diana Pen, I open the book.

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