Chapter 25: A Familiar Face

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I lay awake on my bed I stare at the time on my nightstand it's 2:50 am. I toss and turn; I look at the time again it's 3:36 am.

No sign of any car pulling up on the gravel. I stare up at the ceiling deep in my thoughts until a single tear slide down my cheek, I wipe at it.  

I look at the glistering moister on my fingertip before wiping it completely off of me. I grab the book on my nightstand and begin reading until sleep embraces me with open arms. 

I wake up when my alarm clock sound, put on a cute Sunday dress with a denim jacket layer on top, put my hair up into messy buns, sling my backpack on my back, and get myself ready for school.

I greet Lisa in the kitchen " Morning, Lisa" I said with a smile

"Morning, honey" she replies with a smile

I pour myself a cup of coffee into my thermal cup and head to classes.


"Want some chocolate chip cookies?" Kate asks from the kitchen she's taking them out of the oven

"Of course!" I said sniffing the air "my god Kate! That smell amazing!" I join her in the kitchen. Kate grins proudly " Duh! Of course, they would it's from yours truly," she said

I sit on the island's chair, Kate gets a spatula and starts assembling the cookies neatly into a plate, I plug one from the cooking pan, blow on it before putting it into my mouth and moan " Wow that's amazing" I said after I take a bite of the cookie

"That good huh " Kate said with amusement

"Yes, so good I could go for a second" I plug another one, and Kate laughs. We put on a scary movie while we lay on the couch with a shared blanket. 

Kate covers her eyes a couple of times on the intense scene, I focus harder, so I won't be too freaked out by any surprises. 

In some scenes I can't help but curl up closer to Kate for safety, we both hold on to each other.

By the time the movie is over, we both went from sad and scared to happy. 

"You know what would help boost our income?" Kate asks

"What would?" I ask while I wash our dishes

"Filming our reactions while watching movies and posting it on YouTube. I think people make good money with that." I pause my mid cleaning

"You think so?" I ask slowly, I can save enough more to securely be ok.

"Yeah, a lot of people are doing it. We can do it." Kate said

I resume my cleaning while running the scenarios through my head

"That's a good thought," I said as I continue my cleaning

I get ready for work, I keep everything I had on today, but opt out of the denim jacket, instead I keep my spaghetti strap dress on and put on a pair of boots before heading to work.

All the bar's seats quickly filled up I greet and entertain a lot of our regulars; I was able to catch up with orders quickly because most of my seats are filled with my regulars and I memorized most of their drinks already, so I was able to fulfill their refill without missing a beat.

"Hey, I got one of the guys at my table who said he knows you?" Reid said to me while picking up his customers' drinks order from me

I look toward his table, and sure enough, a pair of pale blue eyes are looking directly back at me

"Yes. I know him" I said

The bar keeps getting busier and busier, I try my best to keep up with my regulars' conversation as much as I can. Unfortunately, I can only spare about 2 minutes with each person before I have to make more drinks for the rest of the restaurant's customers.

Amid my margarita shakes, an all familiar voice said to me "Hey."

I look up from my tickets' order to the pale blue eyes

"Hey, Mr. Mattigon." I smile

"Fancy seeing you here," he said with a smile

"It's been a while," I said

"It had been. Mind if I sit in one of your chairs here?" he asks

I look at the table he was just at with a few people moments ago

"That was my sister and her fiancé, I was having dinner with them to congratulate them on their engagement. They're on their way back to their place now." He said looking at the now empty table

"Of course, find yourself a good seat. It's a busy night, I'll do my best to visit you" I said

"I understand. I'm a patient man." He said before finding himself a seat

My eyes follow him momentarily, he looks different tonight, more relaxed and casual in his fitted T-shirt and blue jeans. He looks the same, yet different.

I continue to catch up on the tickets' drink order, I line the drinks on each ticket properly before making my way toward Mr. Mattigon.

I wipe my hand on the towel " What can I get for you, Mr. Mattigon?" I ask

"Call me Oliver, Elena. I'm no longer your math teacher." He said

His eyes lit up as he looks at me

"Oliver" I test it out against my tongue

"I'll have a crown on the rock," he said

"Coming right up," I said before making my rounds with my other customers around the bar, stopping to joke with them momentarily before making my way toward the drinks section and making everyone their drinks.

By the time the night starts to slow down, Mr. Mattigon is on his second drink. He slowly sips on it while conversing with his neighboring seats.

Everything starts to slow down enough to where I can seat on top of one of the beer coolers and join in on his conversation, his attention slowly turns to me as I make myself more comfortable on the cooler.

"You weren't kidding about a busy night," he said

I laugh a little "It can be pretty crazy around here" I said

Mr. Mattigon's eyes roam my face "You've grown so much" he said

Self consciously I move my hair behind my ears, his eyes follow the movement, and his smile slips as his throat bobs.

"What have you been up to?" He asks

"Mostly work and school," I said

"Oh, what are you going to school for?" He asks

"Just simple stuff, I'm getting my associates in business right now," I said

"You'll be great in anything you choose."

"I wouldn't mind owning my own business one day, maybe a small bakery shop would be nice," I said with a fond smile

"I love bakery goods; I'll have to visit you more often there." He said before looking at me, his eyes sliding to my shoulders.

His smile drops before he looks down at his watch "I have to go, early start tomorrow morning for school" he smiles apologetically, he hesitates for a moment before looking back up at me and writing something down on the napkin

"Here's my number. I like us to keep in contact." He said he puts down a few $20 bills for his tab "I look forward to hearing from you, Elena." He said before making his way out.

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