Chapter 66: Darken Sky

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Heavy black clouds crept slowly across the sky like a dark specter.

Thunder rumbles with ear piercing roars, shattering the sky and shaking the ground. 

Lightning strikes like an angry whip, blazing the dark cloud with vengeance. The floor shook in its wake.

Wind howling like a banshee haunting cry.

Another lightning rips heaven apart, and the roll of thunder pierces through the sky.

Beads of rain patter against the window with heavy splatters.

A sheet of rain beats down on the rooftop with heavy pours.

The thrum of rains drowns out his quiet home.

With a cup of coffee in hand, Griffin stands looking out at the brewing storm from his glass window.

His feet were cold on his wooden floor. But he didn't care.

He stares in silence out his window.

He raises his cup back to his lips, another sip of his hot coffee.

Fragrant aromas greet his senses from the coffee brew. Remind him of a summer day with the wind on his back.

Sip sip. Silent.

The trees are repeatedly buffeted by the howling gale.

He clenches and unclenches his coffee mug in his warm hand.

The quietness of the early morning was shattered by the batter of rain on his rooftop.

A soft warm touch wraps around his leg.

He looks down at a soft mat of dark black hair, ample soft cheek pressed against his hard leg.

His feet are no longer cold, small hand tugs at his leg lightly.

"Hey, little buddy. What are you doing up?"  Tiny hands rub his sleepy eyes as he looks up at Griffin.

"Daddy," the bundle of little sleepy heads said with sleep still lacing his voice.

Griffin smiled, he put his coffee down on the table beside him.

Lean down and pick up his son.

"The storm woke me up." Griffin carries his son against his chest, chubby soft cheek pressed against his.

They stare out into the storm together, hard rain batter against the window, startling his son with a flinch.

Griffin tightens his hold on his boy "It's ok, don't be scared it's just rain." He said soothingly, trying to tame his son's wild bed hair with his fingers.

Hazel's eyes look back at him with brows slightly pinched, it gives him such an adorable look, Griffin can't help but smile at the adorable face.

His son has his eyes and nose, but a combination of strong soft lips from both him and Elena.

A stubborn personality just like his and fair skin just like hers.

The bright smile that warms him even in the darkest night, reminds him of the woman he loves.

He nuzzles his soft cheek against Griffin's face with a toothy grin.

"Can I have hot cocoa, daddy?" He asks

Griffin's heart melts for his boy.

"Sure, little buddy."

He makes his way toward the stove with his son in his arm.

"Can I have some of your coffee, daddy?" The boy knows he's adorable and is not afraid to use it.

"No, Trevor. Coffee is for adults." Griffin scowls at his son

Trevor pouts his lower lip quivering with his big pouty eyes looking at Griffin.

Griffin sighs, yeah he's a softy for this kid. He knows it.

Sometimes it infuriates him to be so because he doesn't want his son to grow up thinking he can have whatever he wants.

He tries his best not to spoil his boy because he knows Elena would hate it.

"But hot cocoa is for a big boy" He reasons with his son

"Yay! With marshmallows!" His four years old squeals in delight

"Sure" Griffin kisses his soft cheek and they both grin at one another.

Griffin starts up the stove for his hot cocoa.

He makes his way across the room and starts the fireplace. Putting his son down momentarily.

The fire roars to life, crackling blaze on the hearth.

Soft ambient light glow in the room, and thunder rumbles outside his home.

Light footsteps approach him from behind, and a smile spread from his lips.

Warm hands wrap around his waist, soft body press against his back. He looks down at delicate arms wrapped around him.

He turns slowly.

"Good morning, baby."

Dark brown eyes greet his, bright smile he grew to love more and more each day.

"Good morning, handsome," Elena responds back

She reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses him lightly on his lips.

Griffin smiles down at her, his eyes trailing behind her to his other small bundle of joy, long dark black hair just like her mother's.

He squats down as his five year old waddle towards him with sleep in her eyes "Morning, daddy" she said

He kisses her forehead "Morning, Sophia." He said to his oldest

"I found her up in her bedroom on my way out," Elena said as she picks up their youngest

"Morning, mommy. Daddy making me hot cocoa!" Trevor said delightfully

Elena raises her eyebrows at her husband.

"Is he now?" She said

With a grin on his face, Griffin shrug at his wife.

Elena sighs "Alright, today you may have hot cocoa before breakfast."

"Yay!!!" Both kids squeal with joy

"Can we have a cartoon marathon today?!" Trevor asks almost bouncing in Elena's arm

"Pretty please?!" Sophia joins her brother

Elena looks out their glass window, heavy storm brewing outside, everything looks murky and dark.

Their cozy fireplace crackles with radiant gold flame, and the dancing glow brings warmth into their home.

Elena smiles at all three of them "Ok."

A quiet contentment spread through Griffin, and a surge of happiness coursed through his vein.

His spirits brighten against the dark sky outside his home.


The end.

Thank you so much for following Elena and Griffin's journey until the very end.

I hope everyone enjoy their story as much as I love writing them ❤️ 

There had been many bittersweet moments in their journey for sure and I struggle on some to be honest. But in the end, I want their love to prevail.

Much love and thank you.

Until we meet again.

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