Chapter 36: A Woman's Scorn

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I feel better seating up, my body ache went away so did my fever.

Some strength returns to my body, and I wiggle my toes for circulation.

The door creaks open, the same man walks in. Another brown bag in hand.

I watch him closely.

My eyes glance at the gun he has strapped to his waist.

He walks into the room and stops.

He stands above me, observing. Saying nothing.

He slowly squats down, eyes on me.

My skin prickles with a critters-like feeling crawling all over it.

Suddenly the nauseous feelings return, threatening their way up my throat.

"I got food." He said slowly and hold up the brown bag

I glance at the brown bag and look past his shoulder at anything else, except the looks in his eyes.

I swallow and hold back the tears that are threatening to fall, I clench my fist tight and focus on the sensation instead.

From my peripheral I see him reach his hand toward me, and I flinch back. A noise could be heard behind him. We both turn toward it.

He got back up abruptly, and leave the food on the floor before making his way back out.

My heart thumbs harshly against my chest. I exhale sharply, and my body slumps to the ground.

The man did not return for the rest of the day.

The food remains untouched on the cold floor.

I have no appetite.

My ears pick up different footsteps, sounds of clicking heels echo in the building, accompanies by another loud footstep.

I slowly raise my body; my eyes focus on the door.

I wait, the footsteps get closer to the door and then stop.

My adrenaline spikes.

Sounds of hushed words could be heard, I strain my ears to hear better, but the sounds are too muffled.

I hear the knob turns, the hinges moan in resistance.

The door slowly pushes open, my eyes adjust to lights spilling in, and I can make out the same man's form.

He held the door open and step to the side.

A silhouette of a woman begins to take form behind him, she makes her way in.

Her heels click louder in the confined space, and I wince as the sounds get louder to my ears.

She slowly makes her way towards me, then stops.

I look up at her, my heart drops, and tears slowly spill from my eyes.

"Don't cry, my dear." She spoke

A loud sob breaks from my throat, my body sags against the restrain.

Everything in me crumbled onto the cold hard floor

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper, eyes blurry, my chest shakes with the pain I didn't know I could feel any more in this cold dark room, but as I look up into her cold hard eyes. My heart crumbles into pieces.

"I'm doing this for you." She said

My body sags and hunchs over to the floor, I watch as my tears stain it, I want to wipe my sleeve over it and use my tears to rub the floor clean. Until it shines and begins as new.

A sad laugh breaks out of me.

"You're already gone this far, why bother with the lie? This is not for me." I said, looking back up at her

"Let's say what this is. This is for you. Don't I at least deserve the truth at this point?" I said, her eyes glinting in the dark

"Isn't that right aunt Anneta?" I said

The tip of her lips slowly tips up.

"Alright, alright. It might not be all for you, a little of it might have been for me too." She said

I scoff at her words.

A movement to my left caught my attention, the man brought a chair in and place it close to my aunt.

My aunt sits down on it, head held high as she crosses her legs and watches me from beneath her chin.

"The Godson's men are nothing but liars and cheaters. The sooner you realize this, the better it is for you. They might cherish and treat you like you're their whole world right now. But when the day comes, they will discard you like used tissues and never look back." She said

"You're looking at your future, Elena." She said, she leans in closer, and her voice drops low

"They will never choose you." She spoke

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