Chapter 21: The Visit

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As tired and anxious as I am, I need to get my schoolwork done. I pull out my research papers and turn on my laptop.

My favorite part of this room is definitely this beautiful carved wooden desk, it's gorgeous with its intricate designs. I stumbled upon this desk by accident, I walked into the kitchen one day to join Lisa, and the magazine sits on top of the counter, so I flipped through it. I must have spent too much time on one page, Lisa came around the counter to look at what got my attention, and I showed it to her, it was this desk. The week after that, I came back to the resident and the same desk sits in this room.

I didn't quite know how I should feel about it, I don't want them buying anything for me. I told Lisa so; she brushed it off and told me Mr. Godson has been wanting to replace that desk for a long time now and this is just the perfect opportunity.

There was nothing wrong with the previous desk, it was new.

But I thanked them anyway.

I steadily work on my research paper, typing away. The luring sound of the keyboard with my rhythmic typing was too much for my tired brain, so I attempted to stifle a yawn. I try my best to keep my eyes open and focus a little longer, but sleep has another plan.

I'm just going to rest my eyes for a few minutes to rid of this sleepiness.

I lay my head on top of the desk between my arms as sleep takes over.


 My body stir as sleep releases me, I rub my hand over my eyes to hopefully get rid of the tiredness, and I glance over at the clock on top of the desk.

So much for a little rest, one hour had already passed. I stretch my arms over my head to hopefully gets better blood flow and better focus.

"Sleeping on the job?" Came a low husky voice

My body went rigid. My eyes instantly snapped toward the source.

On my bed, in gray sweatpants, a fitted white t-shirt stretches over his big body with one knee bend as he sits comfortably with his back against the bedpost, flipping through my book.


My body remains rooted on the spot, my eyes peek at the door. I locked it, right?

Griffin leisurely places the book back on the bedside table before turning his full attention toward me.

Should I make a run for it?

"Don't even think about it, Elena. If I have to catch you, I will throw you on this bed." His eyes steadfastly fixed on me

I swallow

" What do you want?" I ask instead

"Checking on things," he said

"There're nothing to check on" I retort back

"Are you sure?" He asks as he studies me

His sharp keen eyes scan my face

My nerves crawl under my skin, but I will my eyes to remain steady

"I work and go to school," I said

"Is that so" he replies

He continues his scrutiny when he suddenly straightens up to his feet, imposing his towering build in the room as he walks toward the opposite wall of bookshelves.

He walks with athletic grace and confidence. His black hair is kept short in a casual jumble.

I turn my body with him.

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