Chapter 27: Goodbye.

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 " Are you sure you want to do this?" Kate asks

"Yes, I don't have much choice Kate" I reply

"He's going to be back in three years if not less. I can't just sit here and let them do whatever they want with me." I said

"But this is The Godsons we're talking about. They're...powerful and influential." Kate said

"Would you rather I don't try anything at all?!" I ask

"No! That's not what I'm saying, I'm just- I have a bad feeling about this, Elena." Kate said her brows pinched together with concern

"We don't know for sure. I have to at least try." I said, I rub my hand over my face

"I'll do my best to find ways to break this curse in two years, but if I don't I have to leave Kate. I just... I can't stay here" desperation lace my voice

"Ok, ok. Hey, we got this. It'll be ok" Kate tries to get me to look at her, she puts her hand on my shoulder, I know she's doing her best to reassure me "We can do this, I'm going to help you. I think we should get your brother in on this, he might be a big help." She said

I look at her "I don't think I should" I said

"Why not?" Kate asks

"I think Logan got tab on my brother," I said

"Well, shit," Kate said

"Why's Logan showing interest in your brother?" Kate asks

"I don't know, my brother won't talk to me about it. Trust me I tried. I just hope he's not getting himself in trouble for my sake." I said

Four years later

 I look out the window at the passing homes, the place I grew up in. This place and the people who had watched me grow up. We pass the playground we used to play as kids, and a sad laugh escapes my throat.

I failed.

I don't know a way around the curse. I find nothing more at The Godson's residence, I came up empty handed just like how hollow my chest feels at this very moment.

My aunt, the greatest mystery. Refused to talk to me. All these times... I needed her help and she refused to talk to me. Of all the people around me, I thought she would understand my situation the most.

I begged both my parents for her contact information, and to my utter shock, my parents told me that Aunt Anneta didn't want to talk to me.

She could be my greatest most important piece of the puzzle, but she did not want to talk to me. I wanted to cry and laugh; I can't decide which. 

I don't understand her refusal to talk to me, she's my aunt, my family. I thought she would want to help me just as Mr. Godson wanted to help his son...

It was a hard gut wrenching pain, my eyes sting at the memory.

This is why I don't like asking for help because the feeling of being turned away when you're already desperate is even worse. 

A soft hand touched mine, bringing my attention back to reality " Do you have everything you need?" Kate's soft voice ask

I look at my best friend, whose eyes are still puffy and red.

She had been in my corner since day one, and despite my attempt to not involve her, she kicked the door down and refuse to let me be alone.

She had helped me in more ways than my own family.

My heart feels heavy when I look at her.

"Yes. Are you going to be ok?" I ask softly

Kate glanced at me as she continues to drive, her eyes begin to well up, and she let out a little laugh, I know more than anything that it was for my sake "Yes, of course." She said

I grip her hand stronger "Hey, we will see each other again once everything settles down." I reassure her

"I know," she said, a small smile on her lips

She chews on her bottom lips

"Did the landlord confirm all the transactions with you? They know you're coming. " Kate asks

"Yes, I Skyped with them and looked at the whole place. Thank you for getting your aunt involved and help setting things up. I couldn't do it without you, Kate." I said

"Hey, I told you. I got you." She squeezes my hand right back

"What about the job place?" Kate asks

"Yes, we Skyped over the phone, and they confirmed the position it's still mine when I get there," I said

Kate nods " Good, good." I can tell her mind is going 100 miles per minute

"Hey, relax. I'll be ok. We got this." I smile at her, and she turns to me and smiles at me back " Yes, we got this." She repeats

 We find a good parking spot; Kate helps me get my luggage out of the trunk.

Kate stares at my luggage after we finish unloading them, when she finally looks back up her eyes are brimmed with tears she's fighting to hold back "You're getting too skinny. Don't forget to eat, you tend to overwork yourself." She said

"I will. You do the same." I said as I step closer to my best friend

"Thank you for helping me," I said, every nerve in my body tells me to stay as I look at my best friend

"I love you, Kate" I pull her into a tight embrace

"I love you too" My best friend replies and squeeze me tight

"I mean it, Kate. I don't think I can do this without you." I said tears begin to fall down my cheeks

My best friend squeezes me tighter as she breaks down into a sob. I look over her shoulder, my vision becomes blurrier until I can no longer see the world but can only feel my best friend's body shake in my arms.

"I'm always here for you, don't you dare forget it." She said

I pull back slightly and wipe tears from under her eyes " I know. As I am with you." I said

I walk into the airport before looking at my best friend one last time.

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